Failed AUD. Retake or move on?

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  • #185279

    I got a 68 but I can’t even retake it until July. That just sounds like a long to study for a retake. I was planning to study for FAR next. What would you do? Start FAR? Retake AUD? Both?

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)

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  • #570743

    As someone that was in your shoes in Feb I asked the same question…. I took the advise and continued to study Audit exclusively. When i took it this time i passed. If i were you i would keep studying audit. It might seem like you are loosing time this way but you cant argue with the results.

    AUD - PASS

    FAR - PASS

    REG - PASS

    BEC - PASS

    BEC: 5/21/14 82! PASSED HALF WAY THERE!
    FAR: 4/2/15 80! Almost there!
    AUD: 69, 74, 4/3/14 81! PASSED
    REG: TBD


    I would retake it right away. I debated the same thing…whether I should move on or do a retake right away. I would take about a month and go through all the material again. I purchased the 10 point combo and that helped a ton as well. I did short intense focused studying instead if long drawn out sessions.

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 66, 91
    REG - August 28, 2014
    BEC - 74, 79


    I would retake it rather than moving on. If you switch to something else you are going to have to start from scratch next time. I got a 69 on audit the first time then did a retake rather than moving on and ended up with a 92.


    Looks like the obvious choice is to retake. Thanks for the input.

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)


    @bbrandenburg10 and @uptowngirl549, what did you do to review for your retake? As you can see I need at least 16 points to pass….so I'm unsure if my review method will work the same as for BEC.

    (I'm using Becker, and have added ninja audio to listen to whenever possible)

    For BEC, I only had becker…I re-read the chpts and took new notes, then did half of the MCQs for each chapter…and then a little over-all reviewing of topics.

    I have started to do the same for AUD, but wondering if I should try to put more time in with MCQ or just reading/reviewing notes to really get the concepts.

    When I got my score for audit, I was in shock. I was sure I had passed….only to be power slapped with a 59. I felt prepared before but now I am scared, feeling like I'm just going to fail again. My retake is scheduled for 7/3.

    ANY advice welcome!

    FAR 77
    REG 82
    BEC 73, 83
    AUD 59???, 87! DONE!


    Working those MCQ is a huge help for AUD because the questions are worded so tricky. I rewrote ninja notes, listened to the ninja audio, and worked as many MCQ as possible for my retake. 20 point increase.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Thanks @mamabear! It's a little more motivating to know that jumping so many points in one sitting has been done before. I think I have a good system planned (focusing more on MCQ's after I re-read and re-take notes) and I will hope for the best in a few weeks! Good luck on your last exam as well! Hopefully we can both be done soon!!!

    FAR 77
    REG 82
    BEC 73, 83
    AUD 59???, 87! DONE!

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