How many pages/chapters can you go through becker FAR book on a full study day?

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    Hi guys and gals, what’s your progress like on FAR per a full study day? I’m referring to Becker books.

    Can you go through one whole chapter lecture + reading and do 80% of homework including simulations? Or more than that?

    Assuming you have almost the whole day to study.



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    I took FAR at the end of May. There is noooo way I could get that much done in a day, and actually retain information. I would normally listen to a lecture and take notes in one day, if I was lucky. I went through the MCQs over a period of 2-3 days, depending on the difficulty of the section. Quality over quantity was what I was striving for. It took me two months to study for FAR. I don't even get that much done in a day studying for BEC.


    I have never done Becker but the fact that you said and do the MCQ INCLUDING SIMS, makes me say definite NO! Just doing MCQ and SIMS alone takes a looonnggg time. Yes, you can actually do it all in one day probably, however, there is noone in the world who can have the attention span that it takes without breaks or dozing off or thinking of other things. Don't over do it! You want to LEARN the info because there is a ton of it and you can't get by like in HS or college (I would study for like 3 hrs the night before any test ever in my life, if even at all and still passed all my classes….. and I struggle hard with the CPA exam)

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    Lecture + MCQs + SIMs generally take me somewhere between 3 and 5 days.

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    @JamesBJames, have you started prepping for REG already?


    Nah. I'm gonna start studying for REG a few days after my BEC exam. I think five and a half weeks should be enough to get through eight modules with a little bit of time for review.

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    Ah okay! My test for BEC is the 11th, and I'm going back and forth about whether I should take REG or FAR at the end of August. I start in October, and would like to be completely done, or taking my last test within the first few weeks or so of being at my firm.


    Gotcha. I'm pretty much the same way. I start in October, and it would be really nice to have this exam out of the way before I start.

    REG and FAR are both pretty long, but it seems like you've got enough time to do one or the other in this window. I'm not sure how much overlap REG has with other sections, but AUD and BEC will definitely help out some with FAR (adjusting journal entries, matching concepts, financial ratios, hedges, etc.).

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!



    Completely off topic here, started AUD yesterday, and I'm looking for a few pieces of study advice from someone that clearly destroyed the exam. Got any?

    Sorry for hijacking this thread temporarily..


    Skip the lectures and just read the chp + take notes. Dont waste 4+ hours listening to them re read the chapters. If you are struggling with a concept, go back and listen to the lecture for that page only.

    This will save you a lot of time and restudying as i imagine you go back through the chapters after throwing away 4 hours lsitening to them read to you.

    AUD - 83
    REG - 78
    FAR - 69,73,79
    BEC - 85


    I have just started using becker for FAR, is there another alternative to the becker lectures? I am an audio learner, but having someone tell me what to circle and highlight is not really “learning”


    @_Nick_: My study process was to complete two modules a week, including doing all the MCQs and skimming over the SIMs. In my final week of review, I re-read the entire book and re-did all of the non-optional MCQs, spending about a day per module. I also thought Becker's two practice tests were useful. I didn't do many progress tests for AUD (compared to FAR, where it was my main method of review), and I wouldn't really recommend it– I forgot so much stuff about A1 and A2 by the time I finished.

    In terms of what to focus on for review, A2-A4 is key; it's essentially the audit framework. A5's sampling isn't so important (but it's easy!) and knowing the basics for A6 is probably enough (professional responsibilities, auxiliary services a company can do alongside an audit, some of the GAGAS concepts, etc.)

    @itsjustatest: That's definitely valid. I don't think Becker's lectures are amazing by any means (Olinto >= Brown >>> Gearty, imo), but they serve as a tool for me to type out good notes (between AUD, BEC, and FAR, I think I have around 120,000 words typed out in Word documents).

    Becker is also really solid at emphasizing the things that are statistically more likely to be on the exam. I'm not sure how well that comes across when you just go through the book sans lecture.

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    Appreciate it, @James

    I'm finding AUD unbearably dry relative to REG. Must be the lack of numbers.


    I haven't done an entire chapter in one day for FAR yet – but I did go through the entire IT chapter for BEC in 8 hours and when I was taking the practice exam it was the only area I got 100% of questions correct.

    I don't know if it would work out the same for FAR though…I guess we will see!


    I am the same as Amanda 88….. “I would normally listen to a lecture and take notes in one day, if I was lucky.”

    I'm using Becker also.

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