How much time did you spend studying for the CA Ethics Exam?

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  • #178034

    I just bought my materials. The PDF is 290 pages long. I was thinking about going through the entire thing first before I even attmpt a single real question. Is that the wisest way to go? Or should I just skim through it and understand where each section is located in the pdf and get that general sense since this will be an open PDF exam afterall and I can just “find” what I am looking for. Just curious what others thought.

    Also I am still a little confused. I bought the materials and it came with this “Final Exam” which looks like a mock exam. Just to be sure, these final exams questions won’t be the same as the real exam right? Or am I mistaken. I recall people saying stuff like you take the exam offline and then just plug in the answers online later. Can someone clarify to me the testing process. Is the real exam the same as the 12 page pdf given to us when we buy the materials? If not, if there a time limit to finish our exams online?


    AUD-69, Retake: 84!!
    Education- Done
    Ethics- August 2013
    Experience- 7 Months of CPA Experience and counting!

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  • Author
  • #420505

    I used the cd and took the test online. I just referred back to the material while going through the test and didn't really study all that much at all

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