I did great on the practive tests and failed the exam!

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    I am using Roger full course to study and Wiley test bank. So far, I have taken REG twice. The first time, I studied 170 hours for REG and was getting 80s and 90s on the practice exam using the Wiley test bank. When I took the actual exam, I felt like there was a ton of material that Roger only briefly mentioned and none of the info that was heavily discussed in either Roger or the Wiley test bank. I was completely surprised to find that I scored 71. I studied REG again for 60 hours and am now waiting for my re-test grade but I again don’t feel that great about receiving a passing score. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I using the wrong materials? I am now studying for FAR but haven’t gotten a supplemental test bank yet. I am leaning towards Ninja. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    REG (72), 77 July '14
    FAR (74), 79 Jan '15
    BEC (74), 85 August '15
    AUD 80 July '15

    Material: Roger full review, Wiley test bank all four topics
    Ninja MCQ: AUD and BEC retake

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    Im taking REG again in about a week. No one walks out of REG thinking they did well enough to pass. I suggest waiting for your score before thinking about re-studying for REG.

    As for FAR, since you already know the format of the exam, I highly recommend Ninja. Im using it myself for REG and love it so far.


    tamlange – I had a similar experience. I'm not saying this is the case with you, but when I was studying I was pumping out the MCQs and would continually study the ones I had missed. When I was answering I was getting the questions correct because I had seen the question (and the correct answer) before, NOT because I was mastering the material. When I go through the MCQs now I go real slow and will research for more clarification on why I got the answer wrong. If I don't fully understand my error I will go to my study material and/or come here on the forum and figure it out.

    Another weird thing I have been doing is reading the MCQs out loud to my husband, kids, dogs, our fish…whoever will listen (or at least pretend). I then give then answer and then “teach” them why it's the answer. Knowing it well enough to teach it means I'll definitely know it well enough to pass it. Along the same lines – here on the forum I lurk often and try to be the first one to reply to questions. It's selfish really, because my main goal is to be able to teach someone else the information in turn solidifying my own knowledge. And of course I want to truly help a fellow Ninja! đŸ™‚


    I think it has helped immensely to mix review courses. I use Becker as my primary review, but I have all of the Ninja products as supplements. My REG test is on Monday and I just started the Ninja MCQ last weekend. I do not recommend bringing in new material a week before your exam as that can mess with your head in a bad way.

    That being said, I think Ninja MCQ (again a week before) for FAR helped me see questions on topics that are actually tested on the exams, in a mixture of topics like on exam day. You need to see them in the AICPA format, see topics your review doesn't cover as much of–or at all– and also see fresh questions you haven't just memorized.

    I did 2 practice tests for AUD and scored 73 and then 64, and then on FAR I did one testlet on a practice test and scored in the 60s. At this point I don't think I will be doing any practice tests for REG on Monday. I'd rather spend my time on Ninja MCQ from the AICPA.

    AUD 83
    FAR 80
    REG 83
    BEC 81


    I walked out of REG about 99% sure I failed. I felt like I did pretty well on MCQs, but I literally left 2 SIMS unfinished. And the ones that I actually finished, I wasn't feeling great on. (OK, honestly, I left one completely blank.) As it turns out, it was my best grade.

    In general, the review courses can only take you so far. You've just gotta make the best educated guess based on what you learned. My policy is to really hammer any topic I feel shaky on. I write it out on huge poster board and stick it up on walls, I lecture my poor husband or dogs on the topic, and of course…make flash cards đŸ™‚

    I haven't used the full Ninja course, but Ninja Audio is an absolute must-have supplement for me.

    AUD: 84 - Oct. 2013
    BEC: 83 - Feb. 2014
    REG: 91 - May, 2014
    FAR: 68, 96 - Oct. 2014...DONE

    CPAExcel, Ninja Audio (all sections)


    @lanoner I'm currently using Becker right now but have no supplement. Contemplating just getting the FAR ninja mcq to supplement. My exam is on the 28th of august. Can you tell me is Ninja MCQ worth it especially for FAR? Previously I used Becker and Wiley testbank as supplement. Scored in the high 70s – low 80s on practice on both Becker and Wiley, but scored a 71 on the exam. So i'm wondering if it's worth it to pay for supplemental materials again



    When I restudy for Reg, I put in about 130 hours and I am still so sure that I did horriblly on the test. Now, I can just pray and wait for score next week. I never have any confidence walking out of any of this exam until the score releases. Good luck and hope that we are going to be fine!!!!

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    @CPAorNOT, I got the Wiley testbank in the 10 point combo and liked it for a counterpoint to Becker before it changed to the new format. I used it on AUD in December, but found it frustrating and confusing for FAR.

    I personally really liked the FAR ninja MCQ. I barely skimmed the surface of the questions included (because I think there are over 2,000 for FAR), but it helped me concentrate on Governmental in different ways that Becker doesn't focus on. They do a great job at general concepts and then go a little overboard, imo, on the acronyms.

    For example, in ninja MCQ for REG, I've seen a few AICPA questions for cash basis vs. accrual basis spouses and what to do about military pay. I'm sure the AICPA would put in random questions like that, and I never saw those topics in Becker.

    I think it's worth it for $47! A lot of study advice I've seen for these tests is to hit the MCQ, and I'm definitely guilty of memorizing answers. I'm just buying the sections as I need them since my tests are spaced out a little farther than others on here. Good luck with what you decide!

    AUD 83
    FAR 80
    REG 83
    BEC 81

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