I'm F****… AUD 90 and above scorers please come here

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  • #198595

    Hi – I got until Monday afternoon until my audit exam. I’m half way through A3 Becker. I’m not gonna have time to do any MCQ or Sims…. Would someone please, who scored very well and used Becker, guide me through what sims are like and what to prepare for the research question (like 2 hours max for all sims and research. Thanks

    I’m basically gonna watch Tim lectures……. What a joyyyy, I’m so full after thanksgiving dinner…. So lazy after I ate half a fat turkey..

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  • #745215

    Working full time on a big client isn't fun during CPA studying……………..


    Just have to comment… wow you f****** murdered those exams

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 84
    Nobody calls me chicken

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    1. Memorize the auditor reports, word for word.
    2. Know the audit process, step by step (from meeting the client to signing off), and the order in which it is done.
    3. Do SIMS only until test date, forget MCQs, they just repeat the SIMS. (Note: I did Gleim SIMS, not Becker's.)
    4. Don't worry about the research, it is the same as the other tests' research, but do use it (AL) on the exam. The entire reports are in the AL.

    F91 A95 R90 B94
    CMA since 2015
    (Gleim books/PDFs, MCQs, SIMS)


    @Biff-1955-Tannen Thank you haha. I think there's a chance that AUD will f***** murder me on the 30th!

    @ohiostategirlcpa Impressive score on AUD! 95! Wow!

    I'll do what you said…..I'm def ditching MCQs… From my experience, Exam is much simpler than Becker MCQs


    I came here because I was told there was going be Pumpkin Pie but found out there was none : (

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 84
    REG - 87
    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - In Progress
    Phase III : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase IV : Form the new Charlie's Angels with Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, & Gal Gadot
    Phase V : TBD

    BEC : 78
    REG : 87
    FAR : 84
    AUD : 90

    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - Initiated
    Phase III : Bring back 8-Tracks
    Phase IV : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase V : TBA


    Everything ohiostategirlcpa said plus know the difference between compilation, review and audit and ethics rules. Know the basics of audit cycles and procedures, youre guaranteed to see questions on that.

    You still have plenty of time to cover the remaining chapters and dedicate one day to review. I would still do 30 question progress tests after each chapter to reinforce the material and learn how questions are phrased on AUD. For me reading the book was more helpful than lectures, but after passing the first three you know better than anyone what works for you.

    Ps. Signature doesnt say it but scored 93 on AUD.

    EDIT: for sims, remember you can find almost everything in the AL. It also has full texts of all reports, so learn how to find those.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    Haha I just came to say good luck on the EWS. I think you have a good chance at it, just follow ohiostategirlcpa's advice and you'll be solid. Hoping to see your 99 come the 4th

    Finally done


    You've amazing scores and I think you don't have to worry about AUD. XD

    AUD - 81
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 79
    REG - 84
    Keep learn the Life

    Winning is not everything, but the effort to win is.
    --Zig Ziglar


    I will second ohiostategirlcpa's suggestions. If you have a solid grasp on the way audit works (how the risk assessment is made and how that flows through to audit procedures, etc), you will be fine. It all ties together. Otherwise, it's memorizing the reports… what goes in which paragraph, how you modify the report in certain situations, things like that. I used Becker and did all the MCQ once, but the test questions really just aren't that bad. I would take AUD questions over FAR or REG questions any day. There are a lot of things you can logic your way through or narrow down to 2 answers pretty confidently.

    The sims aren't too bad either. Don't be surprised if you see FAResque items (correcting journal entries, things like that), and definitely make sure to utilize the AL for your sims. The research question is just like any other section's research question. Judging by your other scores, you will do great 🙂 I'm not sure if you work in audit (it sounds like you might?), but I feel like it helped me a little. I could visualize planning workpapers while I went through the lectures haha. Good luck!!

    REG - 86 (4/11/15)
    BEC - 92 (5/29/15)
    AUD - 99 (7/23/15)
    FAR - 89 (11/23/15) It's over!!!
    >> Becker Self Study


    with this amount of prep you can probably expect the easier testlets so you will have to do extremely well in the sims. know journal entries and how to quickly navigate the AL. also plan to leave yourself plenty of time to work sims. mine took 2+ hours because i used AL extensively and the flipping back and forth from the question to AL was time consuming and tedious. well worth it though. it did wear me out.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 76
    REG - 88
    How have you been?
    Ninja book and MCQs and the forum, all first try! 2016
    Licensed State of Montana April Fool’s Day 2020
    State of Colorado June 2020 - AICPA Ethics 93
    Experience was the worst part of the journey for me. You?
    If you want things to change you have to do something different.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I didn't use Becker but I will say definitely know your SSARS… for mine it was imperative.


    The best advice that I could give you, is use the Authoritative Literature tab to the fullest. I literally found 90% of the answers for my sims in there- WORD FOR WORD! Apparently, I knew the material to some degree, but the sims are what pushed me into the 90s. And now, do you have any advice for me for BEC (Nov 30)?




    Person who asked about my advice on BEC; my advice is review chapter 1 more than the others.


    I guess that means coso and erm… Thank you, and good luck to both of us on the 30th!

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