Is a Masters degree required for private industry?

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  • #186576

    I’m going to start at a Big 4 firm soon and while this question is a bit premature I’m just curious. Do companies require a master degree for controller/CFO positions?

    Right now I have enough undergrad credits for a CPA license so I didn’t do a Masters degree for those wondering. To be clear, I’m not quitting before I even begin I just like to give myself as many options in the future as I can.

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  • #578093

    No. Don't require Masters, but it could help. I was a Controller for 10 years without one.

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
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    It's finally freaking over.

    John Tucker

    They don't “require” it, but remember the market is very competitive so you have to come to the table positioning yourself over other candidates. I would grab the Master's just in case, the CPA + MBA combo would do the trick.

    * State of MA CPA Exam Candidate
    - BEC: Sunday, August 24th
    - FAR: Saturday, November 29th
    - AUD: TBA for February 2015
    - REG: TBA for May 2015


    I would agree that as of right now it isn't required (depending on the size of your organization), but the expectations of having a higher degree are changing over time. So keep in mind that by the time you would reach one of those positions that expectation will have continued to evolve. 20 years ago having an MBA was very exceptional, today it is the norm and thus less valuable, but the fact that it is the norm means that those in higher level positions are that much more expected to have at least that level of education.

    To me the biggest indicator of this trend is that most people in the big 4 in my area are getting their Masters now (be it an MBA or MST). Even 10 years ago you very rarely saw anyone in the big 4 with more than a Bachelors in Accounting and their CPA, and when they went to industry they often rose to the top ranks with just those qualifications. So to me I have the same expectation that those in the big 4 today are the industry leaders of tomorrow, and seeing them getting their Masters in much larger numbers shows an expectation shift.

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    "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda

    John Tucker

    I totally agree, heck pretty soon having a PhD is going to be the norm.

    * State of MA CPA Exam Candidate
    - BEC: Sunday, August 24th
    - FAR: Saturday, November 29th
    - AUD: TBA for February 2015
    - REG: TBA for May 2015


    Thant is an extremely broad question. You are not going to find the answer to a question that broad here on the internet, if there even is an answer. Do you realize how many variables come into play here. Geez, next people are going to start asking if the sky is really blue.

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