Knowing if your test gets harder…

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  • #189533

    I really don’t understand how there are so many people on here who do not know if their exam got more difficult. Unless you scored low 70-79 and it didn’t get harder, or you scored very high 97-99, the questions must have gotten more difficult. And you didn’t get the same amount correct, or you would have that really high score. In both of the exams I took so far, it started pretty easy, and I only marked 3-4 in the first testlet. Then the second got much more difficult where there were anywhere from 8-12 I was unsure of and the third was similar to the second. People taking the CPA have already gone to college and have a lot of experience taking exams. Why do so many think they can’t tell? I guess if you didn’t prepare evenly a testlet could seem more difficult because it had many questions on your weak areas. Still it seems unlikely you wouldn’t be able to tell the average difficulty.

    Why do some people feel this way?

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

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  • #627290

    Because what's difficult to the AICPA may not be difficult to you.

    I've never felt any of my testlets getting more difficult, including on FAR. The only indication I have that a testlet might have been labeled as difficult by the AICPA instead of medium is that it takes me about 10 – 15 minutes longer to do than the first testlet. Besides that, the questions are pretty straightforward and you either know them or you don't. In my opinion there's nothing more difficult about calculating pension expense than there is about answering a conceptual MCQ. Again, you either know it or you don't.

    AUD - 88
    REG - 76
    BEC - 88
    FAR - scheduled for 10/20/14


    I try not to analyze the test too much or I'll go nuts. I've done the AICPA questions they labeled as “hard” and “medium.” Some of the “hard” ones were easy to me and vice versa. It's a matter of perception. Who knows how they determine what's easy and what's hard.

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    I guess everyone is trying to trick you… lol what kind of answer are you looking for. Once you take AUD a completely conceptual exam maybe you will have a different perspective.

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014


    @uhart lol. That's true I think Audit will be interesting. I have no idea what I'm looking for, I just find it interesting that people can't tell. I mean my scores show I was correct that they got harder and stayed harder. But yeah audit was my worst subject in college, because it is less cut and dry (also I didn't study enough cuz I was in love lol). So you may be correct.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    Just took Audit have no idea if it got harder or easier- I think I made anywhere from a 69-99


    I agree with the OP, I've always thought it was easy to tell when the question's get harder. I think if you have a true understanding of the subject material, you can start to see that in the “difficult” questions they put other answers that are probably mostly right, but not the “best” answer. For my REG exam, the first testlet was definitely overall “medium” (as there is no “easy” testlet) and the second and third ramped it up quite a bit. We'll see if that is reflected in my score on 11/3.

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015


    Another thing to consider is there's a bunch of test questions thrown in, as far as I know they could all end up in the first testlet making all subsequent testlets seem easier.

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014


    I don't pay attention too all that stuff. I had enough to worry about then whether a testlet is harder or easy. I'd rather make use of my time concentrating on each and every question.


    @dseig , you didn't have any reflective thoughts on how you performed after you took an exam? You must not have read the forum much while you were waiting for score release, it will make you over analyze everything lol.

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014


    I agree, I analyzed after the test was over but I never paid much attention if the test was becoming harder or easier. Like somebody else said, a hard question for the AICPA might be an easier question for me and vice versa. There are a lot of instances where a person can psych themselves out before they even take the test. I tried to not fall into that trap, although it was hared at times.


    I feel kind of obliged to post this now, as I am eating my words. Based on my performance on the first testlet and the fact that they each took the same amount of time I was convinced my audit exam was all medium testlets. It was very hard to tell though because the way I usually know is by how many I flag in each section and for audit I flagged a similar amount in all three, but the most in the first one. Anyway I ended up getting a 95 so I am pretty sure it did get harder. And therefore you were right Uhartsoccer. I am actually glad you were in this case as I was sure i would be retaking audit.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

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