Need suggestion, five weeks, should I target at REG or AUD?

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  • #193046

    Hi Ninjas, need your help again. I will have five weeks time to prepare my next section. I took AUD last winder and failed with 68, the reason is that I probably studied it for 3 weeks before I took the test. However I am considering taking REG prior to AUD to get rid of all the sections contains calculations ( I am taking FAR next Monday). But I am not sure 5 weeks is enough for REG or not.

    Need your suggestions. Thank you!

    FAR - 83, 04/2015
    AUD - 73, 86, 08/2015
    REG - 75
    BEC - 71, rematch in 04/2016

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  • #660645

    I wouldn't want to try and take REG with only 5 weeks of time to prepare. Everyone studies and prepares differently but that would not be enough time for me. There's simply too much material to cover.

    AUD is doable but you'll need to treat it as though you're taking it for the first time

    A big factor is how much time you have to actually devote to studying. If you can study all day, you should be able to knock AUD out of the park. If not, AUD is still doable in that timeframe but you need to commit to studying.


    I would go for AUD as well within that frame of time you have.


    same as the above especially since your taking FAR, I had a FAR-like sim on my AUD exam


    I haven't studied for AUD yet, but the thought of trying to tackle REG immediately after FAR and only having five weeks to study makes me want to die.


    I did both AUD and REG with 5 weeks of study time while working full time. If any of them is more doable than the other, it's AUD. That 10 week period was hell. It was a risky move and sucked terribly but I did it. I practically ditched CPAexcel and used it only for referencing purposes. I instead used the Ninja MCQ and Ninja Notes as my main study material. Just depends on how comfortable you are with the material and how much time you can devote, but either are doable with 5 weeks.

    FAR 8/18/2014--87
    AUD 10/18/2014--78
    REG 11/24/2014--76
    BEC 2/28/2015--76

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"-Albert Einstein

    Study Mats: Cpaexcel study text and EQ, Ninja MCQ, Ninja notes


    Thanks for all response! I am working full time and preparing CPA after work. I am glad asking all of you here, because I thought REG is fairly easy section to take. Now I need to think about it carefully.

    FAR - 83, 04/2015
    AUD - 73, 86, 08/2015
    REG - 75
    BEC - 71, rematch in 04/2016


    I did REG in four weeks and AUD in eight. Really wish I had switched those, as I felt really under-prepared walking into REG but I was forgetting stuff from AUD and kind of just coasting until the exam date by the end, which I think hurt me a lot.

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