Switched from Becker to Roger CPA. Any feedback?

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  • #202118


    I took AUD starting last August and failed 2 times before passing in January with Becker. I had watched all the lectures done all the problems and continued to fail. As with everyone, I want this CPA done as soon as possible and before the major changes in April 2017. I understand that most of the grunt work is to be done by me but I just switched to Roger CPA after seeing one of his videos where it actually walked you through what the text book was saying not just telling you want to highlight. I was just wondering if anyone had better experience with Roger or if I should stick it out with Becker.

    Thank you.

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  • #777468

    Out of my two tests, I found Roger to be excellent with FAR. He's very visual with his approach and his charts and memory aids give you what you need to know. His AUD was really good as well. I personally don't like his REG, but I dealt with it because I'm sure no one can make REG info fun.

    FAR - 75 (2/25/16)
    AUD - 80 (4/8/16)
    REG - 80 (6/10/16)
    BEC - 79 (7/19/16)

    You only get one shot with the spirit bomb.


    That's a lot of cash to give up considering the cost of not only Becker, but also Roger. (Roger is not cheap by any means either.) I'm also not sure videos are going to help you as much as working MCQs and SIMs will. Just my 2 cents.

    FAR: July 2016


    @Ag12thman – Just buy the books off of Ebay and supplement with Ninja or Wiley.

    REG - 10/12/2015 77
    AUD - 01/06/2016 75
    BEC - 01/16/2016 75
    FAR - 02/27/2016 68 Retake 05/13/16 70 Retake TBD


    Definitely would be what I would do, @Dave71. Good point.

    FAR: July 2016


    At university, I got a low C in Cost Accounting and Intermediate 2. Passed BEC and FAR on my first try strictly with Roger. His lectures just clicked with me.

    I also got a low C in Audit but I did not pass that one first try as I got much lazier.

    I briefly dipped into REG and agree with unexperienced that that material doesn't seem to come as naturally as Roger has made other material. Tax laws be tax laws no matter how you present them.

    BEC - 78 (August 2015)
    FAR - 80 (November 2015)
    AUD - 73, 67. (Ok I gotta confess I was even more lazy this time around)
    REG - August 27th, 2016


    I only made it through 2 chapters of Becker before almost stabbing my eyes out. That was more than enough for me so I switched to Roger. I passed my first exam with only 10 days of studying and never looked back again… The rest is history.

    Although if you make the switch i strongly recommend supplementing with Ninja MCQ. Roger's questions are too easy and repetitive. His lectures, however, are top knotch

    BEC 76 (2/15)
    REG 81 (4/15)
    AUD 78 (5/15)
    FAR 81 (7/15)

    Roger + Ninja MCQ

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