Taking Exam in one state but want to be lincensed for another state

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  • #190531


    Can someone help me? I am temporarily working in North Carolina for 3 months, passed two parts of the CPA exam in New York and want licensed in New York. If I take my last two exams in North Carolina can I still apply for a New York License? Does it not matter where I take my exams? Or do I have to take the exam in the state I want to be licensed in?

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  • #634660

    Double check, but my understanding is that if you applied through NY, unless you decide to transfer scores to get licensed in another state, you will likely apply for and become licensed in NY. You can take the exams in Timbuktu – it doesn't matter.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.


    You can take the exams anywhere. Just apply to NY like normal and schedule the exam at a prometric in NC.




    f I take my last two exams in North Carolina can I still apply for a New York License?

    Sure. I live in NJ, want to be licensed in PA, applied “to sit” in PA, and physically take test in NJ. The “to sit” pasrt just means that's where NASBA sends the scores. The test is the same everywhere.

    Does it not matter where I take my exams? Not as long as it's in the US of A or it's territories.

    Or do I have to take the exam in the state I want to be licensed in? You could take it in Puerto Rico for the weather in the winter.



    You can't take it in Timbuktoo. That's in Africa. However, you could take it in Podunk, Iowa.

    You're right though- basically anywhere.


    @Bill – Are you sure that Prometric doesn't have a center in Timbuktu? Though Podunk sounds just as nice – maybe not in the winter though.

    P.S. I am pretty sure I failed geography in grade school…. 😉


    hahaahhaha thanks so much everyone!!!!!


    Please i am also worried about this, I plan on taking the exam in Maine because of it's less accounting requirement and hoping to transfer the scores to other state sometime.

    I don't have enough time to sit for extra accounting classes to meet the requirement of other states because i am so busy with my MBA program. I wouldn't mind meeting the educational requirement of which ever state i wanna transfer the scores to in the future, i just wanna be sure i can transfer it.

    Also any idea if the scores expires.And any other Pros and Cons

    Please i really need help here to avoid making a mistake and regretting later. Thanks

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