Took tests in one state but experience in another?

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  • #186148

    I have started taking my tests in LA but am moving to TX in a month. If I finish my tests in LA but get my experience and live in TX can I still get my LA CPA? Also I may have one test left by the time I move to TX, I read something about taking tests in another state on the LA state board of accountancy site. Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks for any help!

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  • #567661

    You'll want to look at transferring your scores to TX. If TX and LA are both NASBA states, you may be able to just do it on Nasba's website – as long as you meet the education requirements in TX.

    REG - 94
    BEC - 92
    FAR - 92
    AUD - 99


    TX has different educational requirements than LA, I was hoping to avoid taking additional classes if there was a way to. Thanks for the help!


    Can you transfer scores from nasba state to a non nasba state? Say i complete the tests in MI and get the experience in Illinois.


    I would think so, I just think you wouldn't be able to do it online. You would probably have to go to the state board of accountancy in one of those states and do the transfer process there. But I'm not sure, that's just my guess.

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