What do I wear to meet with a recruiter?

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  • #187572

    Hey everyone, I have an appointment with a recruiter (at a recruiting firm, not directly with an employer) tomorrow afternoon to discuss my background and what I’m looking for in a new opportunity, etc.

    Do I need to wear an interview suit or is business casual acceptable? I’m not dying to make a change, but am open to it, so I don’t feel like I need to impress the recruiter. Maybe I’m just being lazy about dressing up.

    What do you think?

    FAR: 84
    BEC: 88
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    Licensed CPA in WI

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  • #585312

    West coast? Business casual

    everywhere else? Not sure…but probably business casual +1

    what is most important in any meeting is wearing confidence

    you sound like you have a job already so this meeting has the potential to be a slam dunk

    . Wear whatever you wear to work when you head in, if you need a precursor mention it in an email that you will be wearing standard work attire(assuming that is sub-business casual) as you mentioned before, you don't need to totally impress the recruiter, just get them to have a feeling for what you know, and what you are capable of.

    sent from phone, I apologize for grammar

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    Thanks Tomq04.

    Anyone else care to share their thoughts?

    FAR: 84
    BEC: 88
    REG: 33 (winged it, bad plan), 77
    AUD: 72 ,72, 81 FINALLY DONE!!!!!!

    WI Ethics Exam Passed - 92!!!!

    Licensed CPA in WI


    I agree that business casual is the way to go for your recruiter. It would be a different story if your were meeting with a recruiter with the company that you applied for, which would be suit and tie all the way.

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    I personally, would “spice up” the business casual by wearing a sport coat. That way, it shows that you care, but you're not over-doing it.


    I think business casual is perfectly acceptable. I've met with a couple of recruiters before and I never put on a suit…I don't think anyone ever commented on that.


    Business Casual is ok, they just want to see if you're presentable to their clients. It could even end up being a waste of time…ugh, I hate recruiters from staffing agencies

    REG -63│ 84!!
    BEC- 59│70│ 71 │78!
    AUD- 75!
    FAR- 87!



    I second stoleway – staffing agency recruiters are the worst, and has always been a waste of time for me. I would only go meet one if I was desperate for a new job!

    Valerie Jo – is this your first time meeting a recruiter?


    ^^ No, it's not my first time meeting one. I met with one straight out of college the first time around in 2006. I finished my master's in 2013 and now have passed all 4 sections of the exam, so I just am curious to see what's out there. I'm not too satisfied with my current situation so I figure it couldn't hurt to meet with the guy.

    FAR: 84
    BEC: 88
    REG: 33 (winged it, bad plan), 77
    AUD: 72 ,72, 81 FINALLY DONE!!!!!!

    WI Ethics Exam Passed - 92!!!!

    Licensed CPA in WI


    Garlic clove necklace and crucifix in each hand.

    Passed - 2014


    Make sure you have an updated LI account. I have rec'd so many inquiries from recruiters, but have turned them down multiple times. They always tell you what position they are searching to fill, and you can search your area for that position no problem. Then, you can apply for that position on your own.

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
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