Another way??? (Exchange with cash) Asset

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  • #194939

    Amble, Inc. exchanged a truck with a carrying amount of $12,000and fair value of $20,000 for truck and $2,500 cash. The cash flows from the new truck are not expected to be significantly different for the cash flows of the old truck. The FV of the truck received was $17,500. At what amount should Amble record the truck received in the exchange?


    Truck new 10,500

    Cash 2,500 *

    Truck (old) 12,000*

    Gain in sale 1,000

    I can identify the entries marked with *. I understand that there’s a formula to calculate the gain and the Truck cost (new). But I think there’s a way to avoid the formulas. Please help me, Thank you!!!

    FAR - In Process 12/26/2020
    AUD - In Process TBA
    BUS - In Process TBA
    REG - In Process TBA

    Journey Started - June 2015
    FAR - TBD
    AUD - January 20, 2016
    BEC - TBD
    REG - TBD

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