Audit CPA exam

  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #193042

    I’m scheduled to take audit next month. I’m using Becker and just doing as many MCQ as possible. Will Becker be enough? This is my first test so I’m not entirely sure how to approach it.

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  • #660447

    I am in the same boat ! im using becker and have purchased ninja mcq ~ I don't think it hurts practicing more if you have the “extra” time. similarly, I have known people who only used becker and passed on the first trial. I think it is entirely up to you and how you feel about the material. Good luck!

    "A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step" - LT
    " Your dream doesn't have a expiration date, take a deep breath and try again"

    B ☺✔
    A ☺✔
    F ☺✔
    R ☺✔
    Doneeee Dec 2015

    sko rebs

    I used that same strategy, allowed myself 5 weeks to study for audit while working full-time and i was able to pass only using Becker on first attempt (by the grace of God).

    Of course everyone is different but for me I found that answering as many MC as possible was best for me. I think I would have benefited from the ninja questions too as Becker MC start to repeat themselves after a while….

    sko rebs

    I also recommend the Becker CPA app on your cell. It helped me for long subway and bus rides. You can download particular parts of the section from the app which was very helpful.


    I used Wiley CPA at first, then I moved on to Becker. it was a drastic improvement in my score, but I'm still REALLY bad at time management when it comes to studying.

    I got absolutely burned on the Simulation section. I feel like Becker had me DOWN for MCQs, but the simulations just got away from me, so I purchased the Ninja MCQ in order to really nail the Simulations (there are about 80 of them here in NINJA). Also, having an extra thousand MCQs to do is helpful too.

    Far: 49
    BEC: 79 (Expired)
    AUD: 51, 67, 64
    REG: 59, 64, 59, 69

    sko rebs

    I agree Kettle… I was overwhelmingly unprepared for Sims.


    Just sat again today… Becker should be enough. If not you can always add new material next time.

    AUD is a process. First comes A, then B, and finally C and D.

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