B-Law Questions

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  • #197266


    I’m curious how you all approach the B-Law problems whereby there are several parties involved (i.e. West contracted with East to purchase goods. The proceeds were financed from South Bank, and were further negotiated to North who filed a security agreement on June 1, five days after West was petitioned into involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy–you get the idea).

    I have been drawing matrices with arrows, lines, etc. to keep the flow of information straight, but was wondering if anyone had a better/different approach?


    FAR: 78 (1/31/15)
    BEC: 81 (8/30/15)
    REG: 77* (10/10/15)
    AUD: 76 (11/28/15)

    ETHICS - 97

    *Failed 2x - 72, 68

    IL Candidate

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