Next Exam BEC – Using Becker: Any tips how to study?

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  • #190390

    Hello everyone,

    I am going to start study for BEC exam tonight using Becker (V.2.0). Any tips will be appreciated!

    Thank you so much!

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  • #637451

    Just watch the lectures and do the MCQ. If you have time, try and go through all the MCQ again(only watch the lectures once).


    @ anothercpa23: thanks for the response.

    Any key topics to focus on?


    I am also using Becker to study BEC. my exams tomorrow. It was definitely helpful to listen to lectures at least one time and take notes. Then after i did MCQ i would go back and relearn trouble areas. Definitely know variance analysis, IT, COSO

    AUD-70, 71, 85
    BEC-63, 76


    becker is great no complaints with preparation. if u have time, try to have another source of MCs to practice (maybe wiley or a lot of people use NINJA).

    Tough times don't last. Tough people do.

    B: 88
    A: 77
    R: 89


    The most important thing you can do is the mcq for BEC. Do them all at least twice. Watch the lectures once. I'm usually a pretty big note taker but it wasn't all that helpful for BEC. Maybe take notes on the IT section but practice with mcq is the best way to prepare for the others. I also didn't do any of the writing practice sections until a week before the exam. I think I did six total. Make sure you practice a little so you don't freeze come exam day.

    AUD - 89 07/02/14 (Becker practice exam: 74, 83)
    REG - 92 08/18/14 (Becker practice exam: 75, 84)
    BEC - 83 10/03/14 (Becker practice exam: 83, 70)
    FAR - 91 11/24/14 (Becker practice exams: 64, 77)
    *also utilized Becker Final Review after seeing practice scores for FAR*


    thanks everyone for the response! Really appreciate it šŸ™‚


    Hey Guys,

    Quick Question! While I was doing questions from Becker, I realized that most of BEC AICPA released questions are different (not covered in becker). I was fine when I did those for REG and AUD, but for BEC I feel like topics mentioned in MCQs of AICPA released questions are not mentioned in BECKER. I am unable to solve most of the BEC AICPA released questions. I understand the question, but the answer choices are no where taught in becker book, so i get them wrong.

    Should I be worried about it or just focus on Becker study material? I know no one knows what will come in the exam, but as long as its close to what we study makes us feel better. I m so worried guys…

    Is anyone facing the same problem?



    I got hammered by ninja bec mcq but passed. For some reason bec was the most difficult mcqs for me. I used gleim and for all other sections gleim was harder than ninja(not better), but bec gleim was easier. I wouldn't sweat it, as I ended up with a good score.

    Audit(11/5/13) - 89
    Reg(5/16/14) - 86
    FAR(7/18/14) - 82
    BEC(11/14) - 85


    @ Cpa in making

    When are you testing? I feel the same about those AICPA questions. Feeling kinda defeated after those. I'm sitting a week from Tuesday so I have one more weekend to push through.


    @DoOver…..thanks for the response. I am taking early Feb…. r u using becker only? Good luck with ur exam. If possible, do let me know how did it go šŸ™‚

    @zoctoman: thanks for the response.

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