Question to studymonk

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  • #183760

    Hey Monk, your becker books cover in detail PCAOB? I’m trying to see how much I invest on that topic because I think is too detailed in my review, and I want to switch to the hard topics instead..

    Thanks Monk!

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  • #516132
    Study Monk

    The Becker book has shaded boxes everywhere on PACOB. I am not reading the book in great detail this time around. Instead I am spending all of my time on multiple choice questions. I have only came across five or six questions on PACOB in over 1,500 multiple choice questions, in 2 review courses, so I am assuming its not heavily tested.

    I think besides knowing PACOB needs to be referenced in the auditors report for issuers you are probably better spending your time on something else. I would also know that PACOB was created by Sarbane Oxley and that it can overrule SAS standards for issuers. If you are taking your test later this month you should probably join me in ridiculous amounts of multiple choice.

    I spoke to an ancient wise man who sent me on a mushroom induced journey through an ancient forest to find the key to passing the CPA exam. A talking spider monkey told me to throw the last of my drinking water in the dirt to find what I was looking for. So I followed his instructions and the following message appeared in the soil:

    "Do 5000 multiple choice questions for each section"

    Study Monk

    The Becker book has shaded boxes everywhere on PACOB. I am not reading the book in great detail this time around. Instead I am spending all of my time on multiple choice questions. I have only came across five or six questions on PACOB in over 1,500 multiple choice questions, in 2 review courses, so I am assuming its not heavily tested.

    I think besides knowing PACOB needs to be referenced in the auditors report for issuers you are probably better spending your time on something else. I would also know that PACOB was created by Sarbane Oxley and that it can overrule SAS standards for issuers. If you are taking your test later this month you should probably join me in ridiculous amounts of multiple choice.

    I spoke to an ancient wise man who sent me on a mushroom induced journey through an ancient forest to find the key to passing the CPA exam. A talking spider monkey told me to throw the last of my drinking water in the dirt to find what I was looking for. So I followed his instructions and the following message appeared in the soil:

    "Do 5000 multiple choice questions for each section"


    Thanks Monk! great response indeed.

    I will write AUD on April 24th! I think I still have good time to prepare this one.

    Wish you good luck in this one!


    Thanks Monk! great response indeed.

    I will write AUD on April 24th! I think I still have good time to prepare this one.

    Wish you good luck in this one!

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