What I am doing wrong?

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  • #197364

    I just took BEC for the 3rd time, the last two times I pulled a 64 and a 70. I would have passed with my 70 one but I went blank on a simulation, as soon as I left the test center I remembered everything about that question. Anyways I took the 3rd attempt on Friday and I didn’t even recognize 25-30 question of what the hell they were talking about. I believe I pulled a 55-60 on this test.

    I am using Becker and did 4000 questions leading up to this test, with the last week of practicing I was pulling consistently between 82-90% quizzes. I study more than enough and at this point studying is easy, 3-4 hours a day on workdays is relatively easy. I do note cards and read through each chapter about 3-4 times.

    If their is a tip please let me know, I honestly don’t know what to do or change. I have reg in November and I pulled 73 on that last time, help is needing!!

    I just don’t understand sometimes what the question is asking!!

    BEC-70,73,68,74 SH##!!!!!, 80
    FAR -74,82

    Ethics here I come!!

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