Will taking a lower job hurt your career?

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  • #188637

    I am currently working in a non-accounting related job (my official title is auditor but I don’t really do much auditing), and I am willing to take a accounting clerk or accounting technician job just to move into something more accounting related (and to just do something else besides what I am currently doing). But I am just wondering, will taking a lower job hurt your career?

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  • #612375

    I am starting to wonder if that has hurt my career. I am a sales tax auditor for a state revenue department. I have gone on several job interviews that I felt I was highly qualified for, but haven't gotten anywhere.


    “Hurt” could be interpreted many ways.

    If you take an entry level position, it will certainly take considerable time to climb back to managerial ranks and pay. But, if your plan is to get into accounting than one of those entry level positions in cyclical accounting would be a decent fit (a few years in public accounting would go farther). It does seem that job hopping is a decent way to move up, as opposed to staying at one employer and waiting for somebody to quit/retire above you.

    I'm considering taking a step “back” to staff accountant/sr accountant to get away from my senior tax accounting role; I'd rather be a controller of a small company than do tax compliance so I will realistically have to drop down from my well compensated senior tax position to a mid level financial accounting position….at some point.

    mystical guy

    Some companies respect people who started the ground up rather than on top of the world.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015


    I would say it just depends. If the jump is large, AND you include it on your resume, then it does look odd to say the least. It's not something that looks terribly great, as it might be interpreted as having a weak network or ability to effectively communicate/market your skills to companies.

    However, it's not a killer or anything; especially if you're desperate. Accounting clerk/technician does seem ridiculously low of a skillset for someone taking the CPA exam though….

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    Yes, it will hurt. Maybe a little, maybe a lot.

    You'll never know, but it's a cost you have to pay since switching careers is never easy and it's never quite the “right” time.


    Try more for Staff Accountant. If you have worked as an auditor, that should be an easier switch. Those tend to range a lot in skills and experience, so you should be fine.

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