Aurico Background Check

  • Creator
  • #195298

    Hey Everyone!

    I accepted a job with a start date in August. I wasn’t planning on putting in my 2 week notice with my current employer until closer to the end of the month. However, my new employer said that I’m going to have to consent to a background check with Aurico services.

    I looked at their website and it mentioned that that they call up employers to verify employment. Since I am still working at my current firm and haven’t put in my notice, do I have to allow them to be contacted? That would create a potentially awkward situation. Even if I had the option to not have them contacted, would that be looked at as suspicious?

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  • Author
  • #681096

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. These services usually only talk to the HR Department, and the conversations are brief due to the law. Keep following your plan. If your supervisor gets wind of it from HR and brings it up to you, then handle it professionally and be honest. It's risky to put in a notice when the future employer is still checking your background, so keep doing what you've been doing.

    FAR - 80

    Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.

    -John Wayne

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