Any good site you know for IRS circular 230 ?

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  • #1574848

    Anybody know any good site or blog for reading circular 230 ? I read the pdf of IRS but that’s very dry plain vanilla.

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  • #1574876
    Mike J

    I would try searching for free Enrolled Agent practice tests.

    CPAReviewForFree had a good set of questions. I'm not sure if that one is still around.

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    CPAReviewForFree is still there but could't find EA questions.

    Mike J

    You misunderstood. I meant to try those two things separately of one another.

    Perform an internet search for free EA questions. You will get plenty of exposure in questions about practices before the IRS.


    Check out CPAReviewForFree. I know they tested Circular 230.

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    They don't trust JUST ANYBODY to count beans

    I passed the EA, I used the Fastforwardacademy course. Now that I am almost done with the CPA, I think the EA is a waste or something you should get after the CPA.
    It won't give you any sort of confidence boost, they are very different tests. If anything the only thing it will do is prepare you for REG. The EA tax questions are much harder and much more detailed- since they break it out into 3 sections. I remember the business taxation section of the EA being very difficult.

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    Mike J

    @A1, I never said get your EA.

    As you said, if anything it may help prepare for topics of the CPA exam.

    You should read the thread.

    AUD - 90
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    They don't trust JUST ANYBODY to count beans
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