Has anyone taken fraud auditing through LSU online?

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  • #202461

    I ask because im currently taking it, im scheduled to take the mid term. Now the homework has been a breeze, but does anyone know how the homework is in comparison to the midterm? How much effort does the midterm need? Thanks in advance.

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.



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  • #779805

    I took it and the class was super easy, although a lot of that may have been that I thought the material was really interesting. The midterm probably won't require a ton of effort.

    AUD - 91
    BEC - 85
    FAR - 91
    REG - 92
    CPA, CFE
    Passed all 4 CPA exam sections with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio


    Ok, so would you say that two days of studying should suffice?

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.




    I think you'll be all right, 2 days might even be overkill.

    AUD - 91
    BEC - 85
    FAR - 91
    REG - 92
    CPA, CFE
    Passed all 4 CPA exam sections with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio


    I am in this class as well and just finished up Module 5. How was scheduling the midterm exam? From what I've read previously, they use recycled HW questions but don't hold me to it. If I were you I would study the MCQ & True/False at the end of each chapter and you should be good. That's most likely where questions will be pulled from.

    FAR - 76 (Lost credit), 76
    AUD - 80
    BEC - 76
    REG - 75

    Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.


    @ operation, i just scheduled, took less then a minute to schedule the exam. Also their was every time available so dont be worried about openings. Also when you say the end of each chapter, you mean actually in the book, or in the moodle modules?

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.





    My bad I should have clarified! I was referring to the ones in the book at the end of each chapter. Not sure if you have noticed, but all of the quiz questions come directly from the MCQ & T/F questions at the end of the chapter. Just speculating here, but the quiz results are only available for review immediately after you take it, so in my opinion they will be the ones showing up on the midterm. If you can answer those you should be good. Let us know how it goes!

    FAR - 76 (Lost credit), 76
    AUD - 80
    BEC - 76
    REG - 75

    Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.


    Totally did not notice that, thank you for your help. I will review them all. Honestly i just need a passing score, i dont really care about the grade, no one will ever see it.

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.





    I'm in the same boat – this is my final class for the 150 credits so I am just trying to get it done. Best of luck on the midterm!

    FAR - 76 (Lost credit), 76
    AUD - 80
    BEC - 76
    REG - 75

    Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.


    Id be willing to buy the book from you after you are done with the class- if you want to sell? I am planning to sign up for the fraud auditing pretty soon here. let me know!

    REG: 73, 71, 69

    “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place.



    Sorry no can do, i rented it off of amazon, cost like $60 dollars for like 4-5 months. I think its a no brainer and very cheap.

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.




    Wow, i didn't even know you could rent books off of Amazon- thanks! I'd say its a no brainer than as well

    REG: 73, 71, 69

    “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place.




    How was it? Scheduling mine this week.

    FAR - 76 (Lost credit), 76
    AUD - 80
    BEC - 76
    REG - 75

    Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.



    I have my exam scheduled for Monday! Any advice? I have never taken it through Examity before so I'm wondering how the whole process will be. Not planning on studying too much though. Everything seems straightforward.

    FAR - 76 (Lost credit), 76
    AUD - 80
    BEC - 76
    REG - 75

    Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

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