Need Help in every way possible :(

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  • #198542

    Background: Study Materials – Becker Self-Study, study on/off with no real set schedule just whenever i can i will study.

    I just recently took BEC and got my score back today and scored a ……..dun…dun…dun……….48%. A few months back i took the audit exam and scored a 50%. Im not sure what’s wrong with me but i would like some words of encouragement and tips on how i can tackle these monsters. I’ve heard to work every question at least twice for becker and you will be set for exam day my thing is, I’m a little slow at working those questions twice. It takes me about 6 weeks to get through all the material once, so twice will be hard. In the midst of this catastrophe, i have been recently diagnosed with ADD because of my lack of focus, motivation, and concentration. I’d like to blame my scores on that but i have done well on other things without being medicated as my psych suggests. Is it worth me switching to another review course like Ninja Book instead of Becker?

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  • #744988

    Before spending more money on study materials I would spend more time studying the Becker materials. More than anything, you have to put the time in. I just failed AUD with a 71 and that was after 8 weeks of 15-20 hours of studying per week. These tests are difficult and there really is no other way around it than putting the time in.

    CA CPA - est. Dec 2016

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    Well you said it yourself, studying off and on when you feel like it with no set schedule. That right there is your problem. You have to commit to this like its your job and do it even when you don't feel like it on some type of schedule.

    RE: ADD, its not an inability to focus. ADD means you focus on too many things at once so nothing gets full attention. And yes unmedicated people with ADD are able to hyperfocus (like on video games). So here's the thing for you—for SOME add people background noise (like a radio on low) helps them focus while studying. For others eliminating background noise entirely (noise canceling headphones, soft earplugs) is helpful. Try a few different ways and you can find tricks to help you study more effectively.

    Old timer,  A71'er since 2010.

    Finance manager/HR manager



    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I agree with the other posters – you just need to force yourself to focus and find what works for you. You can't study here or there and expect good results… you need to immerse yourself in the material. It becomes a part of your life and you live and breath it until you're done.
    I looked at it this way – either a life time of dicking around with it (which I was doing) or 2 and 1/2 months of hard core studying and be done… which worked.


    With an attention disorder it is more imperative to have a schedule. You are going to have to push yourself a little harder to stay on task, but it isn't impossible.
    I do not have ADD, but I have about a million things going on at any point in time. I find that I study better in littler spurts. So, I will sit for 20-30 minutes, then I will take 5-10 minutes off. Some days I am able to sit for longer periods (usually when the topics are more interesting).
    If you can set aside 2 hours a night and really focus for 1.5 hours, then that will probably be a big help for you. Those scores do not mean that you are dumb, they just mean that you are not studying properly.
    It took me 2 exams to figure out how to study, BTW. It was something I had to develop through trial and error.

    Almost always from my phone... please excuse my typos!

    All 4 passed - 2016

    CA CPA


    Thanks for the input @Determined0625 and @MaLoTu

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