Pick-up lines to use with acg. chicks + Bonus Depreciation

  • Creator
  • #162158

    You’ve got a lovely pair of W-2’s.

    Please, baby, let me withhold you.

    Nice assets.

    Lady, you make my pants file for an extension.

    In my office, I.R.S. stands for I’m Really Sexy.

    Let’s fill out a 1040 – you are a 10 and I’m a 40.

    If I help you screw Uncle Sam, can I be next?

    Technically, having sex with me is like a charitable gift.

    You’re entitled to a $5,000 tax break on your municipal bond income… now let’s do it.

    You’re the kind of girl I could take home to mother – which is good, since I still live with her.

    How accountants do it…

    Accountants do it by the book.

    Accountants do it within budget.

    Accountants do it to the bottom line.

    Accountants do it with double entries.

    Accountants do it between spreadsheets.

    Accountants are Certified to do it in Public.

    Accountants do it without losing their balance.


    You might be an Accountant if…

    •you refer to your child as Deduction 214.

    •you deduct Exlax as “Moving expenses”.

    •you have no idea that GAP is also a clothing store.

    •at the move Indecent Proposal you did a NPV calculation.

    •getting to sleep is an exciting event that you look forward to all day long.

    •your idea of trashing your hotel room is refusing to fill out the guest comment card.

    •you are doing it now because you checked the file and found that you did it last year.

    •you decide to change your name to a symbol and you choose the double underline “======”.

    What does an accountant do when they are constipated?

    They get a pencil and work it out.

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  • Author
  • #303482

    I love the “Lady, you make my pants file for an extension” line! It's probably the only one that would work on me so long as the guy were to drop the “Lady” piece. That would somehow make me feel old…

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    You've got a lovely pair of W-2's ahhahahaha


    is W-2s supposed to mean her butt?


    If you are using a pick up line you got issues. If you are using an accounting pick up line on a girl you clearly haven't ever been with a girl.

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS


    •at the movie Indecent Proposal you did a NPV calculation

    That's great.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    Hey baby you so fine that amortizing you would be a crime.


    “You're entitled to a $5,000 tax break on your municipal bond income… now let's do it.”

    Given my luck, I'll probably get a response like this

    “I'm pretty sure that all municipal bond income is excluded from taxable income…”

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂

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