Question about Bathroom breaks

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  • #174816

    Long time lurker here…taking my first section (FAR) in 3 days and I have a couple questions on breaks. the first one is kind of a dumb question but i’ve just never had anyone validate it for me.

    Once the clock starts for the 4 hours, does it stop at all? meaning, are there any scheduled breaks?

    Second question…So I am 8 months pregnant and i have to go the bathroom at least once every 30 minutes, sometimes more if baby presses his head on my bladder. I tried to contact NASBA and the state board to see if I could get special accommodations (extra time) but i just got stuck in an endless loop of voicemails and transfers….so my question is…Has anyone tried to wear Depends during the exam? I would only “go” towards the end if i’m pressed for time, but i rather pee on myself than fail this exam. Any other relevant advice would be helpful.

    P.S. I think its ridiculous the clock doesn’t stop if you have to go to the bathroom, feel sick or need a drink of water…no humanity =P

    Thanks guys…

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  • #431568

    @aklement — The clock never stops even if you go a bathroom or any break. Breaks are allowed in between testlets. After you have closed one and before you open the next. Timer does not stop. I'd wear adult diapers if I were you. I know its going to probably eeek you out but you got to do what you got to do.

    I know how it feels if you really need to go … but the minutes you wasted having to go to the bathroom might give you the point you need to pass.


    Thank you! That's good re-assurance. Everyone i tell this to thinks i'm crazy but they do not understand the stress and difficulty of this exam!


    I had bad stomach problems the day I took FAR and my stomach was real upset. Kept going #2 before the test and made my mind up that I was just going to crap my pants in the test if I had to in order to save time. Ended up doing it 3 times throughout the test but passed.



    @LifeIsNotGood – That is extremely disgusting and certainly way more information then anyone here wanted. I can't imagine what it was like for other people sitting in the room with you.

    @aklement – I say go for it. At my previous CPA review the instructors always said never to take bathroom breaks as you need every second for the exam.


    aklement, hope baby finds a new position and gives you a better chance on the exam 😉 Actually there are a few moms here who have taken exams well into their pregnancy, maybe if you post a new thread with a title more like “taking exam at 8 mos pregnant?” you'll get some BTDT advice.

    @ LifeIsNotGood, I've gotta go with Beardown. Way TMI.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @LifeIsNotGood …. I'm sorry but LMAO. Please tell me you did not crap your pants during the exam and could make it to a toilet.


    Call your testing center. My testing center has one room that is separate and only has one desk. You can't get extra time but I know that when you get this room the sign in and out is quicker. Might save you a few minutes, and maybe make using the adult diapers a little easier?

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    I don't have anything more to add than to agree with the adult diaper thing. I only went to the bathroom once and I felt like I missed out on precious testing minutes. Thank goodness I still passed, but who needs one more thing to worry about during the exams.

    I really logged in to post because I was almost crying from laughter @ LifeIsNotGood post. It was TMI, but hilarious!

    AUD Passed!! 7/2012
    BEC Passed!! 10/2012
    REG Passed!! 10/2013
    FAR Passed!! 12/2013


    I am also crying from laughter @ LifeIsNotGood post. Oh my gosh!

    Aklement, I think I would definitely wear them just in case you do need them.

    FAR - 83
    AUD - 81
    REG - 92
    BEC - 87
    ETHICS - Done


    thanks everyone! i got a call back from the board and they basically told me they couldnt do anything and that next time i needed to turn in paperwork BEFORE signing up to take the exam. But she said they've never made special accommodations for pregnant women so she didnt think they would have approved it. wonderful. Anyway, I just did a Becker final exam and i only had to go to the bathroom 3 times which is pretty good…if i can hold it to once every hour i will be happy. However I will be wearing Depends!


    I cannot stop laughing at this thread. I keep thinking about LifeIsNotGood's post and laughing at work.


    Absolutely agree with rspencer: It was TMI, but hilarious!

    Suggestion: try to keep your liquids intake at a minimum before the test. (being 8 months preggo, might not make a diff but you never know) I hope frequent peeing will be your only problem on exam day. hope junior doesn't decide to make an impromptu appearance! 😉

    Good luck, my dear!


    aklement – Also make sure to factor in that bathroom breaks have to include signing out and signing back in (which often involves a pocket check and fingerprint check).

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 88
    FAR - 88
    REG - 5/10/2013


    I'm currently LOLing at my desk, and I never LOL. I can't imagine taking the test 8 mos pregnant–I would say, go with the depends and see how you do. I think its more than fine.

    As for crapping, I'd say it's pretty inconsiderate of your neighbors in the testing room!



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