Real Dilemma after passing CPA exam

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  • #164957

    I am back. It has been almost 6 months that I have passed all the four sections of this exam. I am still looking for ways to get the licensure. Here is my master plan. Please let me know if its going to work. ( Disclosure: This is not my idea, but found it online after extensive research)

    Staus as of now: I have bachelors degree, with 133 credit hours. 30 credit hours accounting and 33 credit hours business and other good stuff. I have three years of work experience in a private firm as a staff accountant under the supervision of a CPA ( not active )

    Problem: Need 17 credits more. Also, the cpa I am working under does not have the active license.

    Solution: Will take 2 online classes from LSU ( Distance learning )

    1. Government Accounting

    2. Fraud Accounting

    Will cost be around 600 and 2 months of work.

    Then will take two CLEP exams.

    1. Analyzing and Interpreting

    2. Social Sciences and History

    Each class is worth 6 credits. Will cost be around 200 and 1 month of work

    After I am done with all these, I will get the offical transcript from LSU and College Board ( CLEP ) and apply to Excelsior College Credit banking service.The Credit Bank service will list the credits I have earned on an Excelsior College transcript, even though I not enrolled there. This service cost $270. What I will receive from Excelsior is an official transcript from a regionally accredited university that you I submit to the CPA board and WILL count toward your 150 hour requirement.

    Once I have 150 credit requirement, I do not care about the work experience anymore. I will go for the state where there is no work experience needed.

    Plz let me know what you all think about it. Thanks

    Disclaimer: This is not my idea. I just gathered these information by spending almost a day for which I think I am eligible for 3 credit hours. Also, I am trying to make this happen in a legal way abiding with all the rules and regulation set forth by the concern agencies. Nor I am trying to influence anyone in regards to this matter. Plain and simple I am working towards getting certified in a legal and reputable way.

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  • #618399

    Wow. Confusing much? It sounds like you have it all figured out so go get 'em tiger. Why are you in such a hurry to be licensed? Looking for another job?

    Class of 2012


    “certified in a legal and reputable way”

    Thats funny, because as I was reading the plan I was thinking that it seemed kinda shady. Way too much work trying to find a loophole instead of just putting in the time and effort to get licensed in your state.

    Also, transfer credits on a transcript (like the CLEP and LSU credits would be on the Excelsior transcript) dont usually list the course names or numbers, just the college name and the number of units transferred. (at least thats how it was on my college transcript when I transferred units from a community college). So the Board may ask you to submit transcripts from the colleges where you actually took the class, and then they would see that the CLEP units dont count, and you might have a problem there.

    And are you sure you can call yourself a CPA in your state if you were licensed in a different state? That would be alot of trouble to go through getting licensed in another state if you cant call yourself a CPA in the state you are practicing in.


    That's what I said in the other forum its unethical and shady. The state board should reject anything coming from that excisor thing…for 270 dollars it transform unaccredited into accredited! If you buy now we will double the offer!



    Ohio = No need for 150 hours if you can score a 620 on the GMAT (70th percentile)…

    This coming from the guy that has 137 Hours and just FAR remaining (and a 690 on the GMAT of course)…


    I agree with CalCPA, this seems really shady, why not just put in the time to complete your 150 hrs in a more transparent way like everyone else? You already did the hard part (passing the CPA test) why not just sit back, take the classes you need and relax? College is easy compared to studying for the CPA.

    Class of 2012


    Would you be willing to pitch this proposal to your state board exactly the way you've described it here? If so, thats your best route for this. If not, well you will have answered your own question I believe.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I didn't think you could get a NTS to take exams unless you qualified with all credits neccesary.


    Ok guys I am dropping this plan…Did not felt comfortable….Thats why I wanted some opinions…..



    I have already passed all the four sections…so why do I need a NTS…Btw aplly for the ecam from mass if you just have 120 credit hours….


    ok, I might sound stupid here, but what are LSU and CLEP? Are they different from regular colleges?

    @cpaguru: Why don't u just take additional courses from a regular local college? As long as the school can provide u with an official transcripts with Grades on it, I think it should be fine.

    Btw, I think u could pretty much take any courses (non-accounting, non-business) to make it up to 150 credits? Since u have the basic required accounting & business credits already for all the states.


    How much time do you have left? Any time restraints in your state?

    AUD - Passed:)
    FAR - Passed:)
    REG - Retake TBD
    BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD


    Why don't you do the analysis like an accountant does?

    You need 17 credits, why not just take all of those at LSU? C'mon, the difference between the two CLEP exams +

    transferring them, and the cost of 4 3-hour courses is about $900 or so.

    Is your career not worth $900?


    This might be a good idea to get the 150 hrs.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    To CPA Rookie – LSU = Louisiana State University

    LSU is regionally accredited. So, if you need more credits, take them there.

    BUT, still verify with your state board that they will accept – I was told that LSU distance learning courses show up on a transcript as “correspondence” courses.

    Although most or all states accept “online” courses, they don't all accept “correspondence” courses. (Makes no sense to me.)

    I don't know what CLEP is or what Excelsior is, but based on how you described it, I believe I understand.

    I would either suggest taking classes through LSU or a community college. Some community colleges offer some classes in shorter time than a full semester. You'd have to do some research to find the classes you need in the time frame that you need them.

    For the experience requirement, check out Virginia and Illinois.

    FAR - 86 - 2/27/14
    AUD - 75 - 5/29/14
    BEC - 80 - 8/31/14
    REG - 89 - 2/27/15
    Praise Jesus! I'm done!!

    Study resources:
    Wiley test bank


    Strong bump.

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