Reviews for CPAExcel

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  • #167784

    Wiley Question –

    Has anyone used CPAexcel for their review course? What did you think about it? Particularly for FAR… How does it compare to Yaeger? CPAexcel seems more organized and structured (I like the study planner tool) but that doesn’t mean it covers the material better….

    Link: Current CPAexcel Discount Codes

    CPAexcel CPA Review

    FAR - 71 (7/2012), OCT/NOV 12
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD
    BEC - TBD

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    I'm using it for REG (waiting for my score) and thought it covered all the material I encountered on the exam. Hopefully I'll know tonight whether it was enough. I'm planning on using it for BEC as well but I may supplement if my REG score is lower…


    I have it but ended up using Wiley for my notes. My gut feeling says that Wiley is very comprehensive….I keep seeing people from Becker, CPAExcel, etc. saying how they failed because there were a lot of questions never covered in their review courses. Yeah, Wiley may be overkill but I have seen maybe less than 5 mcq's on two sections now that weren't covered at all and they likely could have been test questions.

    The one thing that I miss that Wiley has is that Wiley will go through a topic and then say “now do MCQ 1-70” where with CPAExcel it doesn't do that. So I never have that logical break.

    For auditing I took notes from Wiley and then did the Wiley MCQ's about three times each and then did the CPAExcel MCQ's. 87.

    For BEC I took notes from Wiley and only had time to do Wiley MCQ's. 88.


    I'm using it exclusively and felt very prepared for both BEC and AUD (passed on first try). It even covered the material on derivatives that was asked on a SIM for AUD (I thought it would be pointless when studying it). You have shorter lessons which works out perfectly for me since I feel that I would have problems concentrating on long lesson videos and reading assignments. Each lesson contains a video, slides, flashcards, text, practice questions, exam questions, and when applicable, SIMS. I also enjoy their Android app which allows me to work exam questions on the go.


    I am using CPAExcel and I like it. For REG, I purchased my earlier college textbooks under $5 from and used the latest textbook companion website to download the power points. For those sections that I was not getting, I referred to the textbook and reviewed the power point 2 times. However, I didn't have enough time to finish all the CPAExcel materials which I think is great.

    I am doing the same thing for FAR. Purchased my old intermediate accounting text for $1 from and use the textbook companion website to download the latest slides. The slides are good since they explain the big picture in a nutshell.

    Good luck!


    I just passed FAR using CPAexcel. I can't tell you how it compares to Yaeger, but I did feel like it covered all the material well.

    The study planner tool is definitely helpful, but I was also in a review class that helped to organize things. If you have any specific questions about CPAexcel I'll help out.

    FAR - Feb 2012 - 86
    BEC - Apr 2012 - 85
    AUD - Apr 2012 - 89
    REG - May 2012 - 78
    Review: CPAexcel + university review class + NinjaNotes (AUD&REG)


    I used CPAExcel (and Wiley for GNFP and a few other topics). I'm glad I chose this review course because it is very detailed, has tons of information and tons of MCQs. I'm pretty sure it goes way into more detail than Wiley just by looking at GNFP and Business Combinations. It's actually very cheap too. I think some days(holidays) they cut the prices or have some great offers. I got all 4 sections for about $700+-.

    I don't know how many MCQs the others have, but CPAExcel has almost 2000…..


    @CPATerminator – WHOA! 95?! That's awesome! What did your FAR study schedule/hours look like?


    @EELCPA….FAR was my first section and chose to do that after receiving advice on here. My study schedule was from around December 20-February 10. I used to study about 3-4 hours on the weekdays after work and 10-15 hours on the weekends…Just be patient. FAR has tons of material and it's very easy to get frustrated and to think “how the faq am I gonna know all this”? Hard work pays off. What I did…

    1. Read a section (when I say section I mean like Dollar-Value Lifo, not the entire inventory chapter at once)

    2. Work the MCQs for that section

    3. Once I covered 20% of the material I went over the MCQs again (Study Mode) and skimmed or even reread the chapters

    4. Once I got done with Deferred Taxes I took a 100 MCQs quiz and did the same for the second part of the material

    Some words of advice:

    -study at least 6 days a week and constantly review the sections you've covered

    -Exam Day-don't expect anything to be normal. Just trust yourself. Going into the exam I was sure I knew at least 90% of the material, but after 2 minutes into the exam I felt defeated starting with question #1. I knew a lot of the “easy” questions without thinking about them and did not spend a lot of time on questions I had no idea about. I seriously thought I was gonna get a very low score, but I guess that if you put the hours and a lot of determination you can be nicely surprised.

    98.6% of what you read on here is true and not bs as I used to think…lol..Good luck!!!!!!


    @CPATerminator – Thanks for the advice, it's all very reassuring! I discovered this forum about a month ago and have been reading non-stop all the comments on here. I'm waiting for my NTS and plan to take my first exam (FAR) the end of May. I've been torn between buying a full review course (I'm a new graduate) or just trying to pound MCQs and do a review with Ninja Notes. I went to CPA-Excel and did a free trial and it seemed pretty decent…wasn't able to view the video lecture but I don't think I would buy those anyway. Do you think the “Core Study Material” is enough to get me by? I have a very similar study plan in mind–thanks again for the pointers!


    I am using it and it worked for me. I passed AUD, REG, and BEC all in the same window on the first try.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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