“NINJA CPA Review: Best Price…works nicely as an inexpensive supplement to an online course. This is an efficient studying tool that can be used as your main course but serves best as an auxiliary study aid with an excellent online support community.” – Investopedia: Best 5 CPA Review Courses of 2021
“Few people are more familiar with the stresses of exam prep than Jeff Elliott, licensed CPA and the face behind Another71.com. ” – Wiley Efficient Learning
“Back by popular demand, we’re happy to once again partner with Jeff Elliott and NINJA CPA Review to help you pass the CPA Exam even faster.” – UWorld Roger CPA Review
“I personally used NINJA when I studied for the CPA Exam (in addition to Becker). Back then, NINJA was only a supplement, whereas now, it's a full course. However, the NINJA notes are still as concise and helpful now as they were when I sat for the CPA Exam. In my opinion, there's no better way to quickly solidly all the topics covered in the AICPA's CSOs than NINJA notes. And if you're unhappy with your NINJA products, you'll receive a no-questions-asked refund. ” – Stephanie Ng, CPA – iPass The CPA Exam
“The highlight of the program is absolutely the brand new test bank that Jeff and his team put together.” – Bryan Kesler, CPA – CPA Exam Guide
“The original Ninja Notes are popular for a reason. Elliott was juggling a career and a growing family when he studied for the CPA exam himself, and he knew that time is a precious commodity for many busy students. His notes summarize the most important information and serve as a good review right before an exam. The notes explain difficult concepts in a straightforward, succinct way. Available as a hard copy or downloadable as a PDF file for iPhone or iPad, these well-organized notes get consistent positive reviews from customers who have passed the CPA exam.” – Bryce Welker, CPA – Crush the CPA Exam
“The Ninja MCQ test bank is a professional exam simulator and software platform. It does a really good job of emulating the real AICPA interface on the CPA exam. If you get used to the way this one looks, you’ll feel at home on exam day.” – Kenneth W. Boyd – CPA Exam For Dummies
“NINJA MCQ – A must! With the NINJA Notes, I printed out the notes and used them as a knowledge check closer to the exam. NINJA Audio is nice to use during the commute or if you are an auditory learner.” – Olga Timirgalieva – Elijah Watt Sells Award Winner
“I would say the NINJA MCQ were essential to my success.” – Matt Durette – Elijah Watt Sells Award Winner
“I used the NINJA Notes to summarize my notes and eliminate topics that aren’t tested heavily. I owe it to the NINJA Community. You have been my rock, and I hope to contribute the way you contributed to my success.” – Shulem Rosenbaum – Elijah Watt Sells Award Winner
“After taking three exams I was in reach of the EWS award. I knew that I needed a high score on my last exam to get it, so I decided to use ninja MCQs and practice tests to supplement my other study materials. The questions and practice tests were extremely useful, they helped me find some weak spots I didn’t even know I had and gave me the extra practice I needed to get my best score of any of the exams.” – Brian Wright – Elijah Watt Sells Award Winner
“The Ninja Notes are a wonderful way to review before your exam.” – review on AICPA's This Way to CPA
“Hi Jeff, I just wanted to thank you for your awesome Ninja notes! I passed both Audit and Regulation with the help of your notes and I will definitely be purchasing BEC and FAR from you as well! Thank you for such an awesome website.” – Kristen T.
“Thanks for ninja notes, I passed regulation with 81 .” – Nam
“ninja mcqs are pretty good especially if you want to see different questions” – Rim H.
“I bought the FAR notes this month and love them…” – Brian M.
“I am also supplementing with Ninja for MCQs and their flashcards which really seem to be helping. I plan on supplementing with Ninja for FAR as well in addition to my Becker materials. ” – Jordan M.
“I know you dont know me from Adam… But thank you for your forum… it was great in my experience with the exam…your notes really helped to beat information into my head. Im done with the exam after a year and attribute much of my success and motivation in the exam to you, your site, the people in the forum.. etc..” – Jakob D.
“…Your ninja notes were the final piece that put me over the edge. They are short and to the point … I have been recommending these to everyone I know that is taking the exam either for reading or to rewrite them because I did both. Thanks again for the great ninja notes and the awesome site, that I cannot recommend enough to others.” – Kyle W.
“Ninja notes help me a lot to retain information. Read them, reread them and write them down. ” – Tamar S.
“I started testing in February and have used your notes on every section and have passed them all first try so far.” – Carrie C.
“Thanks for the help. The Ninja notes have helped me a lot in passing the first three exams.” – Geoff M.
“Ninja CPA has good audios…the FAR audio is summed up in about 3 hrs.” – Jan P.
“I just want to thank you for your materials and website. They were incredibly helpful and I couldn't have passed without them.” – Emily C.
“The Ninja Notes helped me figure like-kind exchanges out. It is clear and simple.” – akb9874
“Ninja program has good videos in the Blitz section on Cash Flow Statement. It cleared up cash flows for me.” – Renneka C.
“Hi Jeff – Just wanted to say thank you and let you know your website, and particularly the Ninja Notes, were a great addition and help to me finishing the exam.” – Myles
“Hi Jeff, Thank your for all your help, for your website, and all the emails. I stayed subscribed until now (I got my last passing score on September 12th) because it still seemed unreal and hearing from you about the exam and other candidates was very comforting. I'll continue to recommend your website to other candidates, especially those who struggled like me…I used the Ninja study notes for Audit and Regulation.” – Alejandra E.
“MCQs, MCQs, MCQs. I supplemented Becker MCQs with Ninja. Read the explanation even if you got it right.” – Jason A.
“I would really like to thank you also. I passed BEC and REG just rewriting all your notes and doing multiple choice questions until I was sick and passed both. Audit is the one I have hated and took it twice before and haven't had success. Hopefully, with your notes and flashcards i can make it three in a row.” – Hiren
“Dear Jeff, I would like to thank you for the Ninja notes I recently bought for AUD and REG. I think that was 67 dollars well spent!” – Hamza
“After 4 1/2 long terrible years, I finally say that I have passed my fourth and final part. I am not going to lie I was apprehensive at first of being a NINJA but I can promise you it works!” – Ronnie J.
“Hi, Jeff- I'm not a member of your forum but I'm a certified troll since a coworker told me about it earlier in the year. I just wanted to let you know about your poll that I passed!
VA 485 81 (That's a 14 point increase over my previous score!). I purchased your notes in hopes of “doing everything humanly possible” to pass the exam and they did more than help. I will tell everyone I know who is studying about you, your website, and your NINJA notes. You are a real blessing.” – Cynthia
“I started testing in February and have used your notes on every section and have passed them all first try so far.” – Carrie C.
Hi Jeff, I just purchased the FAR Ninja Notes section and at first glance, it is exactly the organized and succinct study aid I need to pull everything together.” – Johnnie B.
“Your NINJA NOTES are simply THE BEST!!! I have been looking for something like them for a long, long time.” – Gary, Attorney taking the CPA Exam
“Hey, Jeff – Since we haven't had the chance to speak and my test is tomorrow for audit, i would like to mention that i think your ninja notes have helped. I rewrote all your ninja notes as you recommended and now I'm doing hundreds of mc questions and making flashcards on every question that i get wrong. My scores are constantly increasing. I am up to 90%s on the MC.” – Kyle
“Love the notes and audio – listen to it every day while i get ready for work.” – Kelly B.
“I truly believe you are helping me pass these exams. I took BEC last evening. When I got out of the exam, I received my passing FAR score, which I took on 7/2. I got a perfect score of 75. The only thing I did differently was listening to your voice non-stop…Thank you for what you are doing, you are amazing!” – Liz
“Hello Jeff, I can not thank you enough! I found out today I passed BEC. Since I have been using the Audio Series you put together, I have finally started passing the exams. … I appreciate it and can hardly put into words the gratitude I have for you!” – Elizabeth
“The BLaw always got me because I wasn't taught UCC in school. I had to learn it on my own. Louisiana doesn't use it. We use the Napoleonic code. Jeff Elliott does the BEST job of explaining it in my opinion. The 84 stands on its own as proof that. The only thing I did differently was to get the NINJA audio.” – Kricket
“Passed AUD with a 92!!! Got the score on Saturday morning for CA 475. Studied with Becker… Ninja Notes, and Ninja Audio. Thanks, Jeff, for all your help!” – ahochhal
“I ordered the FAR Audio Monday and am 1/3 of the way through. I think this is the answer – much of what you have said is exactly what I get stuck on. I've used Bisk and Roger audio, but yours is down and dirty. Sure, its like drinking from a fire hose but I swear this is going to work this time. THANK YOU” – Christen
“I just wanted to let you know that the Audio you have and the notes for REG are soooo good! Becker has worked for me for the 2 parts I've taken, but I find it's so verbose and not as easy to grasp for REG. Your NINJA notes and audio make things easier to understand.” – AJ
“Passed AUD with an 80 (15 pts higher) – NINJA Audio!” – Chris S.
“Jeff, I passed the BEC section and I bet I did about 1/3 less studying on this exam than I did on any of the others. I made a lower score (86) compared to the other exams, but I attribute my success and more efficient studying to your ninja audio for that section.” – WS
“Hi Jeff, I passed BEC thanks to your audio notes with an 81. They helped me process information in a different way that swung my score almost 20 points.” – Juan R.
“Perfect for work and in the car. Compliment the ninja notes really well.” – Zafar
“I really like your NINJA audio by the way. It's a great tool! Thanks!” – Randy B.
“By the way. I almost (!!) passed BEC just by your audio alone! I was traveling back and forth to France so finding time to study outside the plane was difficult. Great work.” – Madison
“I passed BEC with an 81 from your impossible questions, you rock! Now back to AUD…one more and I’m free!” – kiwimelee14
“Thank, you!!! NINJA is a life saver” – Adriana P.
“I have passed my CPA. Thank you for your help! NINJA is a great supplement!” – Chengcheng Y.
“I read your whole story and as a new mom, working full time in a private firm and juggling life in general, I just want to say thank you for creating NINJA. I enjoy listening to the audio and I even printed the FAR book, went to FedEx, and had it bound so nights I don’t feel like looking at a screen, I can flip through the pages. So far, it’s been a great experience, and hope I have the same success as you! Thank you! I really appreciate all the work you have put into this while making it affordable. All the best and God Bless!” – Magda R.
“I have used Ninja for all my 3 exams and LOVE everything about it.” – Yelitza C.
“I passed the AUD exam after only using the NINJA for restudying! I am very thankful for your program. It was just what I needed!” – Marissa B.
“Thanks for helping me pass FAR, it’s a big deal and a big part of it was sparring.” – Antonius D.
“I received my score on the prior score release date and scored 79 on BEC! Thanks Ninja!” – Maly X.
“I passed REG with an 84. The REG Ninja notes helped a lot!” – Korri W.
“I passed! I am done with the exam! Passed all 4 exams on the 1st try using Ninja CPA. That was my goal from the beginning! Thanks for what you do!” – Jeremiah K
“Jeff, I just wanted to say thank you. Passed my final test, and all I used was ninja. Gotta say, I think rewriting the notes is what got me every pass. Glad to be done!” – Derek H
“I just passed REG :). Just one more to go, BEC. The Ninja notes and audio lectures have helped a lot!” – Celia R.
“I love your product – as you can see from below, I did not have success until using NINJA. Haven't been perfect, but much much better!” – Greg P.
“Just a quick note to say thanks for your great study program. I found out I passed my final exam, 4 for 4 using only Ninja! Mike is an amazing teacher and I truly believe he was integral to my success. Please extend my gratitude to him as well!” – Domenique M.
“Just found out I passed! (REG) So I’m done and couldn’t be happier.” – Kara H.
“I passed all parts of the CPA exams in May. I am now a fully licensed CPA. I used Ninja for FAR, AUD, and BEC as a supplement. It would have worked as a main review too, but I already purchased Wiley when I found out about Ninja. I always recommended that CPA candidates should subscribe to Ninja at least as a supplement for $67/month as ROI is very high. I found Ninja's MCQs, SIMs, audio and sparring lessons, and notes very useful. I used to listen to your audio so much so that I was having withdrawal feelings for the first month after I passed all the parts. I would like to thank you, your team, especially Ninja Mike for his sparring lessons and notes. You guys rock!” – Khin S.
“Thanks to being a Ninja I finally passed all 4 parts of the exam. Your study tips sent on the timeline were extremely beneficial. Once I stuck to that I started passing! (or getting the dreaded 74, and retaking quickly to pass).” – Carly W.
“I used NINJA CPA to pass all 4 exam portions on the first try within 12 months while working a FT and a PT job. I thank you for creating a study curriculum that fits my style. I appreciate it.” – Tony O
“Jeff, You do not know me, but I know you. I found CPA Ninja in 2019 when I was down on my luck looking for someone without a monotone voice to keep me interested in the CPA exam. I had no passes on 3 attempts, and I was getting ready to quit. I jumped in head first, using the Ninja Audio EVERY single time I was in the car, to the point that my wife would sleep when we drove so that she didn’t have to listen to CPA prep. Here I stand, with my last exam passed as of last night, (and my subscription now canceled) and I just wanted to say thank you. I come from a mid-sized firm with a ton of accountants who are not motivated and looking for a different way to study. Without a doubt, I will be sending them your way in the near future.” – Erik W.
“I loved using Ninja the month before my FAR exam (just found out I passed with a 94 last night!!) and plan on using it the last month before my exam for all of the other exams.” – Alex Z.
“I love the NINJA MCQs and SIMs, and that's one of my reasons(MCQs & SIMs, Notes, Audios and etc.) to subscribe to NINJA.” – Jason B.
“I love NINJA, I failed audit twice with (expensive course) and passed with NINJA the third time. I passed BEC using NINJA only, didn't make the mark for FAR, and now I am studying for REG before I restest FAR. Love the NINJA audio and notes, and the added humor with Jeff at 7 am car rides.” – Wil S.
“I find NINJA very useful as a time management organizer especially with the accelerated plan.” – Brian
“Thank you for helping me pass FAR Exam!!! Your CPA review is amazing!” – Kate
“You have created an amazing site of study materials and your dedication to your students is amazing. Thank you for creating Ninja. This was truly a wonderful community to be a part of! On days that I felt the lowest after failing, I could turn to the forums and groups for encouragement and advice. All the material is incredible and truly helped me through this journey. So thank you Jeff!!” – Ankita