There’s no such thing as a free review course, but CPA Review for Free offers a supplement to expensive test prep courses. However, the offer comes with limitations. Another71, a leader in the review course field, packs a significant punch with its free NINJA offers to help you study less and score higher.
While CPA Review for Free gives you 2,500 multiple choice questions for practice free of charge, these are not the AICP-released questions offered by paid review courses. The website does not simulate the actual exam-taking experience.
This review course tells you only the percentage of the answers you get correct, and CPA Review for Free does not give you a diagnostic report or reveal which questions you missed. If your missed percentage on CPA Review for Free shows help is needed in clarifying accounting concepts, you’ll have to go elsewhere to find additional support.
Several paid review courses offer free demos, but these are limited examples available for limited periods. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants offers a free tutorial on the CPA Exam and a free sample test. but AICPA does not provide review study material.
Another71 NINJA Free Tools Help You Score Higher
Another71 offers free study weapons that can help you get higher scores while spending less time studying and spending more time with family and friends. These free tools will steer you away from common mistakes that CPA candidates make on the CPA Exam.
The CPA Exam Study Plan from Another71 offers free tools including full sections from NINJA Books, NINJA Notes and NINJA Audio along with added bonus material The CPA Exam Survival Guide and the NINJA Study Planner.
These tools are based on the NINJA structure: Nail the accounting concepts. Intensive note taking. Nonstop multiple-choice question practice. Just re-write the notes. All comes together in the week before the test.
The NINJA CPA Exam Survival Guide will lead you from choosing the state where you should sit for the CPA Exam to finding the CPA review course that best fits your needs. You’ll find valuable advice on which section to take first and how to study for the CPA Exam. Learn why you should never take a practice exam and how to survive Exam Day.
When you are ready to finally pass the CPA Exam and get on with your life, send for Another71’s free study weapons.