I May Have Slightly Underestimated BEC

12 Apr 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By Jay-O

Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010.

Week 27:

Hello all. Tough week, as expected, but I did manage to log 18 CPA Exam study hours. My whole day Saturday was spent with the family. The girls had two birthday parties on complete opposite sides of the metro New York area, so in addition to the parties, we spent a good amount of time in the car traveling through traffic.

At any rate, I planned ahead and logged 13 hours during the week in order to make up for the lost study day and got myself pretty close to the 20 hour weekly target. I will make up the difference in the coming week.
I finished up the Information & Communication chapter and started working on Strategic Planning. Wow, Becker really saved the worst for last with all the formulas. I was expecting Strategic Planning to be a breeze, but what a surprise.

Actually, there are many more formulas in BEC than I anticipated, so I’ve decided to make a word doc of all the formulas, so I can drill them and remember them all. As I’ve said when I made my way through each of the chapters, the formulas and concepts all make sense, but memorizing them is a different story.

I must say, I may have slightly underestimated BEC thus far, but I still have a month until exam day and have almost finished the lectures, so I will have to increase the intensity. I have seen some folks on another71 discuss their underestimation of BEC, so I’m using their experiences to avoid the same pitfall (thanks Jeff for the awesome resource)!

During the coming week, I plan to finish up Strategic Planning, complete my “formula sheet” and begin reworking multiple choice questions. I also plan to up the intensity and try to log at least 22 or 23 hours. Don’t forget to mail in your tax returns, I will be dropping mine off at the post office this week. Good luck to all.

Jay. O

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Kinchen 13 years ago

I took it Saturday ( with a loud union rally downstairs) it felt like every other question was a calculation.

IL_CPA 13 years ago

I took BEC in Oct2010 and most of them were theory questions. All the calc questions were basic ones and small calcs not like the lenghty ones on Becker and my colleague also has the same experience who took in Feb2011 and we both passed. Every test is different.. so better prepare the worst.. so that you can do your best...

lllllco 13 years ago

took it yesterday. a lot of calculations.

Jay. O 13 years ago

Yeah, I'm sure I'll get heavy calcs, that's just my luck. Thanks for your imput.