2011 CPA Exam Update Released

30 Nov 2009

CPA Exam Changes

The AICPA has released their final update on the makeup of the 2011 CPA Exam.

Auditing and Attestation (AUD)

Current Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets containing a total of 90 questions
? 2 Simulations in current (long) format
? 2 Written Communication tasks
? Current Testing Time: 4.5 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 70%
? Simulations Weight: 20%
? Written Communications Weight: 10%

CBT-e Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets containing a total of 90 questions
? 1 Testlet containing 7 short Task-Based Simulations (TBS)
? CBT-e Testing Time: 4 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 60%
? Simulations Weight: 40%
? Written Communications Weight: N/A

Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)

Current Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets containing a total of 90 questions
? No Written Communication tasks
? Current Testing Time: 2.5 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 100%
? Simulations Weight: N/A
? Written Communications Weight: N/A

CBT-e Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets containing a total of 72 questions
? 3 Written Communication tasks on BEC topics
? CBT-e Testing Time: 3 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 85%
? Simulations Weight: N/A
? Written Communications Weight: 15%

Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)

Current Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets consisting of a total of 90 questions
? 2 Simulations in current (long) format
? 2 Written Communication tasks
? Current Testing Time: 4 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 70%
? Simulations Weight: 20%
? Written Communications Weight: 10%

CBT-e Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets consisting of a total of 90 questions
? 1 Testlet containing 7 short Task-Based Simulations (TBS)
? CBT-e Testing Time: 4 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 60%
? Simulations Weight: 40%
? Written Communications Weight: N/A

Regulation (REG)

Current Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets consisting of 72 questions
? 2 Simulations in current (long) format
? 2 Written Communication tasks
? Current Testing Time: 3 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 70%
? Simulations Weight: 20%
? Written Communications Weight: 10%

CBT-e Structure
? 3 Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) testlets consisting of 72 questions
? 1 Testlet containing 7 short Task-Based Simulations (TBS)
? CBT-e Testing Time: 3 hours

? Multiple Choice Questions Weight: 60%
? Simulations Weight: 40%
? Written Communications Weight: N/A

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Kaley 15 years ago

So BEC won't have SIMs until 2011?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Kaley, Correct - this only affect exams in 2011 and beyond. -Jeff

heendol 15 years ago

Hello, I am one of people preparing CPA Exam. Before the question, Thank you for noticing good information about CPA. you are blog is relly wonderful! I wonder 'reading 2011 CPA Exam Update Released' is accurate informaion or not. Bacause I couldn't get any informaion about that from https://www.aicpa.org/ hompage. Where did you get this informaion? I would appreciate it if you could let me know ASAP. Thank you~

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Here you go...this isn't the release that came out recently, but this is an older one that talks more about it... Link

Mike 15 years ago

I will be eligible to take the CPA exam (working full time, about to complete my MBA and then onto to the MS in Acct) for the first time in April 2011 but I have endeavored to start early because I want to pass all parts on the first try. Would you recommend studying with 2010 materials that have come out recently?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Mike - I wouldn't mess with anything CPA Exam-related until January 2011. Big changes are going to occur and your materials will be outdated. You'll get burnt out on the exam too if you start this early. I would focus on the MS in Acctg and get new materials in 2011 and hit it hard then. My $.02 -Jeff

CPA2Z 15 years ago

I predict the average pass rates for the new format will be higher than 60%. Written communication only 15%, crazy.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I bet it stays 45-50%-ish. 15% for the written comm. is 5% more than before..."only" 15%?

Bill 15 years ago

Written comm. was 10% of each FAR, REG and AUD totally 30% vs the 15% now.

CPA2Z 15 years ago

I don't understand how wriiten communication be only 15%. Accountants must know how to write a present a effectively. It's probably to make the grading process simpler.

CPA2Z 15 years ago

Making the exam easier will lead to more people passing the exam and being un/underemployed.

Megan 15 years ago

I am currently studying for the CPA exam, but I didn't pass my first attempts. So, there is no way I will have all 4 parts passed by the end of 2010. I am fixing to switch over to Yaeger or Becker, but it is cheaper to buy them as a group, instead of by section. What do you suggest?

Dominic 15 years ago

Let's say I take two parts in 2010 and pass. Will I keep those two credits going into 2011 and only have to take two of the new cpa exams? Or will I have to start from scratch again?

Joseph 15 years ago

I just took Reg and plan to take the last exam by October. In the event that I don't pass any sections, which sections do you suggest that I retake before 2011? I would like to postpone sections which have the least amount of changes in 2011 and take the sections that will change the most in 2010.

Judi 15 years ago

I have the same question as Dominic regarding sitting for 2 parts in 2010 and passing and taking the remaining 2 parts in 2011.

chris 14 years ago

i would like to know what changes are on the REG section, i am going to have to take this part in 2011. the question about buying beckers or yaeger i would go to beckers and it is cheaper to get them all at once.

KK Baldew 14 years ago

I live in PR and my plan is to take FAR and AUD on the first quarter 2011. Does anyone know a link for the test calendar 2011 Puerto Rico?

Mani 14 years ago

Please let me know the Updates in Audit Section. The changes in course material in comparision to 2010 course material. Per Becker, there were 5 chapters in the Audit Section. Please let me know the changes and is there any new topic being introduced.If yes, what?

moses 14 years ago

CPA papers are not a joke and the results at times are frustrating.Kindly let us have results for June 2011 early enough so that we see away forward.

Russ 13 years ago

I am rapidly running out of opportunities to take REG and seem to have hit a wall in terms of passing the Simulation section. Ihavent been able to get passed a 73...can anyone tell me if there is anything better to study with in terms of practicing the simulations? I have Becker and have tried the AICPA website's tutorial but those are about all i have. 3 down and this one is holding me up!