Introducing CPA Exam Blogger: Casey

24 Aug 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Casey is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

Hello to all future CPAs. My name is Casey, and I started my journey to become a CPA because “I want the goose that laid the golden egg.” The only problem is, “I want it now!” I started working right out of college at CVS Corporate and had too much drive for life.

I could not understand the concept of climbing the corporate ladder, or why the person next to me who had a better job was still in college. So that is where my journey began. Since then I have left CVS and started a much more fulfilling job as an accountant at a real estate company.

Since I began my journey I have taken all four parts once through, with the exception of Business ,which I have taken 3 times. I am sitting for Audit on August 31st. Today I feel ready for it, tomorrow is a different story. I feel like I am riding on a roller coaster though this whole process. One day I feel great and the next I am a disaster. I guess that is what this lovely exam will do to you.

Currently, for the second go at Audit I am using Becker and have watched all the videos and done all the questions. I have also written notes while going through the videos, rewrote the NINJA notes, and rewrote my notes from the videos. I am following Jeff’s ELL plan, and that seems to making a very big difference. And of course countless MCQs!!

As the test approaches FAST, I feel myself getting extremely nervous, as it would be nice to finally pass one to hopefully get the ball rolling. Am I ready? Let’s hope so. I have been scoring between 70-95% consistently on all MCQs. Hopefully I can do it again on d-day and not let my nerves of the testing center and being out of my comfort zone throw things off.

Good luck to all as the testing window is getting near to the end.

Till next time!

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