Erica is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since March 2011.
Last week I prepared to leave town for a four-and-a-half week adventure (aka Intensive Review Course). I packed my truck to be gone nearly five weeks. I made it on my 9 hour journey to attend an intensive review course.
I wanted to drop a quick note to tell of my excitement. Class starts at 7:45 in the morning and ends at 10:00 at night with an hour break for lunch and 2 hours for dinner. I left my two boys in the care of their dad. Oh my, how in the world are they going to make it without me?!?!? OK, that is my last fret over my boys and off to FOCUS on preparing to pass this exam!
I did bring some work with me but will not do it until I am out of class for the day or have the assigned homework completed. Scouts honor! I plan on getting through Roger CPA Review videos while I am here on this academic sabbatical.
I believe this is the only way I am going to be able to be committed to studying enough to pass this exam; leave town and all responsibilities at home. I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to do this intensive review course. Thank goodness for friends and family to help out at home in my absence!
I just wanted to check in as I start this 5 week adventure. I will check in at the end of the week to let you know how many study hours I was able to log.
Until next time!
Erica, you are so lucky you can do something like this, that would be a dream for me. Good luck!!!
I am envious of this opportunity you have, I have tried to pass the exam for over a year and a half and have finally come to the conclusion that with my current life requirements it will be impossible. Good luck on the crash course and let us know how its going!!!
I am really pulling for you, Erica!!
This sounds intense but a great way to focus. I'm sure you'll miss the kids but good luck studying!
.....The Intensive Review Seminar is simply the best crash course you can get. Intense revision review of concepts problem solving exam tips and strategies all packed into a 5 day intensive session that will gear you up to tackle the CFA exam.