An Appreciation for CPA Exam Studying

08 Sep 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Jacki is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

I have officially scheduled “The Beast.” I will be sitting for FAR on November 15, 2011. This is the part that makes the test seem real to me. I have put the date on the calendar at work, and I have created a study schedule that is mapped out in color on a dry erase board next to my desk at home.

Now comes the hard part: actually sticking to that schedule and studying.

When studying for the first part of the exam, I decided that instead of resenting my study time that I would appreciate it. Now, I know that sounds weird but hear me out.

• To sit for the exam, I needed to earn my bachelor’s degree – which it took me 19 years to earn!

• While studying, my dogs can lay at my feet in complete comfort in their dog beds.

• I can wear pajamas and study!

• I get to slow down and watch the changing of the seasons out my office window.

• I feel smarter after cramming my brain full of theories, equations, and random facts.

• My evening study break? Walking my dogs. I can think about what I have just reviewed and they get their exercise.

• It makes me appreciate my time off more. I did not do much studying in August, and I enjoyed every moment that I had – something that I don’t always allow myself to do.

• Sometimes studying provides a nice excuse for not doing something. The garden is a little weedy and the hedge needs trimming? Well, I’ve been studying for the CPA exam…. 🙂

• Studying provides structure for my day – for better or worse!

• The closer I get to exam day, the more we eat out!

• As a new accountant, studying for the exam provides a bridge between my education and my work life.

It seems to me that the things I have worked the hardest for are the ones that I look back on with the most fondness. Now, I just have to remember that as I get bogged down in present value, IFRS, and cash flow statements! See ya. I gotta go study!

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Kim 14 years ago

Jacki, I like your positive attitude! You are right when you say that studying for the CPA exam brings more structure to each day. And I agree wholeheartedly about appreciating downtime more. And yes, having the certification will mean a great deal to us because of the tremendous amount of hard work that goes into obtaining it. Have a good day:) Kim

Jacki 14 years ago

Kim, Thanks! I am trying to be positive and, most of the time, it works! Good luck studying- it will be worth it in the end! Jacki