Battling a Cold + Preparing for FAR

16 Nov 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By jomarie

JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since October 2010.

We are coming close to the end of the final testing window of 2011, and all I can say is I’m exhausted!!! Before this last summer I don’t think I put into this exam my 125%. Since May I have, and I need a break, like most of us probably do.

This past week I’ve been battling a cold, and I can’t seem to kick it yet since I’m so exhausted. It’s amazing of how much of a toll this exam takes on you.

I did catch a bit of a break this week. My husband’s job site has moved, and he’ll be coming home during the week. Not every day. He’ll still be away two nights a week. I’ll take that over being on my own with the girls all week.

Ten more days until I sit for FAR, and I’m working on MCQs, sims, reviewing Jeff’s NINJA Study Notes, and I purchased Roger CPA Review’s CRAM course. I’ve heard great things about the CRAM and have been debating whether or not to purchase it for a while. I hope it’ll tie up some loose ends and help me get past that 75 mark we all need.

When I sat for FAR over the summer, I ran out of time and practiced Jeff’s 20 days to pass a part of the CPA exam and missed passing the exam by 7 points. Like Jeff has said, it’s not advised, but it’s the best practice to try to get your 75. I was mostly going on remembering what I studied back in 2009 when I passed FAR. So considering everything, I don’t think I did too badly.

Now my goal is to pass FAR on November 25th and have it join my REG credit. Hopefully Audit will join them too!! I guess I may find out my Audit score next week. The question is: do I chance to look for my Audit score before I sit for FAR? Or do I wait till I come home on the 25th and look then? What would you do?

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Kim 13 years ago

Keep your momentum going and wait and look when you return from sitting for FAR:)

pacific1 13 years ago

I would wait until after FAR as well...if you can that is. :)

JoMarie 13 years ago

Yeah I'm not sure if I can.