“CPA in Training” while Pushing through FAR

26 Jan 2012

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By jomarie

JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since October 2010.

I hope everyone’s studying progress is going well. Mine’s going slowly. I’m having a hard time managing my time. I think that has always been my major downfall.

Since I work for a small CPA firm, work has majorly picked up. Between people dropping off information to get their tax returns prepared, getting W-2s and payroll reports prepared for clients, clients calling with tax season questions, and my boss being away since Christmas, things have been extremely hectic.

A lot of you are probably wondering why my boss is away during the start of the busy season. Well, he’s getting ready to retire soon, and I think he’s putting me to the test. I feel like a “CPA in training.” Of course, since he’s been away things haven’t been going very smoothly but I think I’m not doing too bad considering.

Actually today I did receive an e-mail from him that was like a pat on back. He was telling me of what a good job I did on a project I had to take care of while he was gone. That really felt great and boosted my confidence.

My family has been super supportive with everything that is going on, but I can see my older daughter is having a hard time with Mommy working and studying all the time.

Like tonight she started to really lay the guilt trip on me. After we were done working on her homework I told her it was time for her to go to bed since it was past her bedtime. She started to really lay on the tears. Then I explained to her it was Mommy’s turn to do her homework. She didn’t like it but went with it. I’m starting to feel the guilt more and more on me everyday. I just can’t wait until this journey is over.

I have FAR scheduled for February 6th and then BEC scheduled for April 24th. I have never scheduled an exam right after tax season before, so the next few months are going to be very interesting and tiring. I have to push my way through this. If I am successful with these two parts, I’ll finally be done.

With Jeff’s NINJA Study Notes, flashcards, Wiley Test bank, and Roger CPA Review I feel like I’m well equipped to finish these exams.

I am so thankful I have Roger, with his jokes and exam memory tricks, to keep me entertained through this hard time, and I will push through this. I will become a CPA in 2012!!!!

Happy studying everyone and happy busy season!!!


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13 years ago

Super woman!! You inspire me Jomarie and I hope I can be half the momma you are when I have kids! It takes one strong person to raise a family, be a wife, study, work, and mix in every other thing that life throws at you. So pat yourself on the back you deserve it!

Kim 12 years ago

Yes you will!

David B 12 years ago

Hi evetyone, today is day 3 of me trying to convince my brain and myself that I am serious about reviewing FAR material. To be quiet honest I feel discourage with this overwhwelmingly large material that I have to go through and the long journey to pass all parts. By reading other experiences in this blog somewhat give me a mental booster! I am going to hang on and continue with this process called studying..studying and studying...