Three Weeks to Prepare for FAR

12 Aug 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By jomarie

JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since October 2010.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m happy this testing window is almost done. With sitting for 3 exams in one testing window, it’s been extremely stressful. Three more weeks and we can say goodbye to the 3rd quarter testing window.

Well this past Tuesday I sat for Regulation. I’m happy with the way it went. Out of the 72 MCQs, I had a difficult time with 8 to 10 questions. The simulations were okay except for one that was totally out of the ballpark. I’m hoping that was my pre-test one.

I was surprised that I had two research questions, which I know I did well one those. The remaining three were okay, and did the best I can. I walked out of the room the same way I felt when I finished Audit. Let’s hope that’s a good sign.

Now I’m preparing myself for FAR for the 29th. With less than three weeks left to prepare, I’m starting to panic a bit. My plan is to watch the rest of the Roger CPA Review lectures by the end of the weekend, and then do countless MCQs next week. After that I’m planning on rewriting Jeff’s NINJA notes and doing more countless MCQs.

I really like Roger’s teaching style. He teaches the same way my college professors did. Explains more and gives more examples in detail.

I know Jeff recommends skipping the video lectures when you’re short on time and to concentrate on doing millions of MCQs, but watching the lectures are helping me reinforce all the concepts I haven’t seen in FAR since August 2009, when I passed it.

Well good luck to everyone who is sitting this coming week. I’m off to watch Roger and his entertaining ways.

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