CPA Exam: “Quit” is a Four-Letter Word

26 Sep 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By Kricket

Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since May 2009.

Now that score release time has come and gone for most of us, I find myself, once again, one-half of a CPA. I was so proud when I was three-fourths of the way done. I kept telling myself “Just pass REG and don’t lose FAR

Well, I got a 70 on REG and have lost a test score. I know I’m not the first and I won’t be the last to lose a test score, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.

I am so happy for my friends who are now finished with this slow train ride through hell. They got off at the last stop and are moving on with their lives.

I am very grateful that I got the chance to ride with them for a while. Some of us are still on board and may be for a while, but that’s OK. There will come a time when others will take our seats.

A friend asked me after I told her that I didn’t pass REG and lost credit for FAR, when I was going to give up on this test. My response was, “When I have a CPA license.” She couldn’t understand why I was still so willing to give up having fun, going to concerts and vacations after three years of almost constant studying.

I told her that “quit” is a four-letter word that I refuse to use. I guess I could have quit several thousand dollars ago, but why? What is the point in giving up? Quitting is the only way to fail. I just didn’t pass. There is a difference, and I dare anyone to contradict me.

Now that my tears are all dried up, I’m mad! I’m ready to pass this test and get it over. I’m going to use Roger CPA Review again because Roger is a great teacher, and I know that if anyone can get me through REG, he can. I learned so much from him the first time around.

I know that I just need to go back and pick up the finer points and go pass this test. When you stop and think about it, 5 points really isn’t a lot. It could have only been a question or two. Who knows exactly how this thing is graded? I can do it because I refuse to give up, I won’t give in and I definitely won’t quit. Quit is a four-letter word and is the only way to truly fail!

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JoMarie 13 years ago

Quitting is NOT an option!!!!

Kris (Mom2two) 13 years ago

Wow! This is inspiring!!! Thank you for writing what I really needed to read right now. Once again I came close but no passing. I feel like I am waiting on the starting line. Two things you said I am going to write down and look at every day: "There will come a time when others will take our seats." - What a great analogy about the train ride! Jeff should reuse that on his site!! "Quitting is the only way to fail. I just didn’t pass." - This is my favorite! Thank you so much for sharing!! You are gifted at writing and I appreciate your encouraging words!

Kricket 13 years ago

JoMarie - You are right! It is NOT an option. Kris - Thank you for the kind words. I've referred to this test as a slow train ride through hell since I first got on. I'm ready for someone else to take my seat but I'm here until I'm done! We can do this. I just keep telling myself that the idiots that ran Enron had a license and if those morons could pass this test then I can and so can you!

Chris 13 years ago

Kricket, I am about the same age as you and riding the same slow train with you. Your courage and perseverance always inspire me. Good luck to us all until we reach our destination, no matter how many sudden stops we have to endure!!

Casey 13 years ago

Well said!!! After I received the news that I have failed AUD I went and indulged myself with Chinese food. And of course after you have Chinese food you must finish it off with a fortune cookie, my fortune said “never quit!” it couldn’t have come at a better time or have been more appropriate. We will all get there, one day!

Allyson 13 years ago

Kricket, I hope you keep blogging because you have a gift with words. You always seem to find humor and a positive spin. I'm going to keep up with you and we'll have Another71 reunion one day soon. Good luck!

Angie 13 years ago

That's the spirit, we'll get off this train together. =)