Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since May 2009.
My birthday is this week. I will admit that Ive been quite nostalgic for some reason this year. Maybe its because I realized that I am 43 and that I got on this train ride when I was 39, and maybe it is because this is my first birthday without my dad.
I remember so many important, and not so important, moments of the past 43 years. I remember seeing footage of Vietnam on the news, and I remember my dad being so happy when Richard Nixon resigned.
I remember seeing my mom cry when Elvis died, and I remember not understanding why she was so upset. I will never forget what I was doing and who I was with when the space shuttle exploded after launch.
But then I realized that these are just moments in time that are frozen in my mind. In 20 years I wont remember every day of the nearly 4 years that I have spent trying to pass this exam but Im sure I will remember the moments.
I wont forget the moment I saw my first passing score and how happy I was. I started crying and I didnt know why. I wont forget meeting Angie Evans for the first time. I will never forget the night that Jeff got his final passing score in FAR. He posted Ill take it.
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away. Ive come to appreciate that expression in the past few days.
Im keeping up with my study time and watching Roger CPA Review lectures every day. I have had a few of those moments when I think that Im way behind and there is no way Ill pass. But then I look at my spreadsheet and see that I am actually ahead of schedule.
I am starting the marathon of multiple choice questions this week and I actually feel good about Regulation. I may come to eat those words but thats another kind of moment entirely.
LOL. Love the last sentence. Good luck with REG this testing window. As always, I enjoy your blogs and thanks for sharing them, they are inspiring indeed :-)
Happy Birthday, Kricket! T-rex
Happy Birthday and hopefully the next birthday will be your first one after you are CPA
I hope you have a great birthday! I was so glad to see that I am not the only fabulous 43 year old studying for this exam! I'm with you sister! Stay strong, you are going to make it!
Happy birthday. I have only a few more weeks left at 43. It was a great year for me. Hope it's your neat year yet and you pass! Love this blog. You are right. The moments we remember the most will be seeing those sweet passing scores.
"best" year. Dang spell check.
Happy Birthday Kricket! You will kick REG's butt. :)