Audit: Down to Fourth and Inches

04 Oct 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Mandy is a Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since September 2011.

Hi again everyone. I hope that life has calmed down a bit for you now that all scores have been released. Although, if you're studying, life never calms down. I got my audit score, took my time to look at it, and am now “4th & inches” Can you tell I'm in the football mood?

I missed it by such a small amount that I am having a hard time figuring out how to even study for it again. I went through a range of emotions when I saw “FAILED” on my score report, but know that I can't dwell on the past and the things I can't change and have to keep going.

From the last time I wrote, my study plan has been completely redone. Because AUD was still somewhat fresh in my mind, I pushed REG (my expired exam) to the end of November, and am now scheduled to take AUD again on Oct. 31.

I am going to keep using Roger CPA Review since I saw my score improve SO much after using their materials. I have been taking practice exams to see where I am weak, and then using my NINJA Study Guide and Roger book to read over those areas. I am also doing a ton of questions through my online review software. My fingers are crossed that doing this will be the trick to passing the CPA exam.

I better get back to studying, the 31st is going to come quick, and I need to use every spare minute to engrave everything I can learn about auditing on my brain. Good luck studying. Until next time…

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Kricket 13 years ago

I am so yelling TOUCHDOWN when you pass!!! I miss football too but I look at it like this ... If the Saints can win a Superbowl then I can become a CPA. Good Luck!

Kricket 13 years ago

I meant to say "We can be come CPA's"!