Waiting for AUD Score + Scheduled Study Break

09 Nov 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By Megan

Megan is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

I took the AUD exam this past Saturday. I chose to stick to my game plan from FAR, since I’m hoping to repeat the miraculous success! I made sure to hit the sack early, have a good breakfast and get to the Prometric testing center with plenty of time.

I must say, I did not feel NEARLY as rushed during AUD as I did during FAR. I guess it’s because there are a lot more calculations in FAR that take more time. I was actually able to go back and check some answers without feeling the weight of the falling clock on my shoulders.

I left the testing center feeling relieved and hopeful. I try to remind myself that Roger CPA Review has an 86% pass rate. My whole life I’ve worked to be better than average. This shouldn’t be any different, right? At any rate, I’m pleased with my preparation and dedication to studying.

In fact, I have been so dedicated to sticking to the recommended schedule that I’m going to continue to abide by it – I’m taking a few weeks off! It will pay off to refresh and rest after so many months of TIPPICANOE! Love you, Roger, but I need to give my real boyfriend some attention!

As I rest and enjoy some much needed time with friends and family, I’ll be anxiously awaiting my results. I’m pretty excited that the new score release timeline has begun. That means I’ll only have to wait approximately three weeks to receive my score. I find this to be beneficial, because for those of us that may need to sit for a part again, we will be able to quickly jump back into studying and prepare for the retake before all the information slips away!

Cross your fingers for some good news just before the Thanksgiving holiday. Regardless of the results, I will be thankful that I’ve passed FAR this year and my dream of becoming a CPA is that much closer. Take it one step at a time – just don’t stop moving forward!

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Barry 13 years ago

Good luck!!!!