Robyn is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Hi, my name is Robyn, AKA Perseverance.
In the last testing window of 2011, I received 2 failing scores, a 73 in FAR and a 74 in BEC, and now Im waiting on AUD.
I started this journey in late 2006 but didnt pass my first exam until November 2009. I took six exams: BEC three times and AUD three times before earning my first passing score in AUD. A year later I passed REG.
Now, in late 2011 I had to retake AUD because of lost credit. On a positive note, I feel very confident about AUD; I just hope the scoring gods agree!
Im sure you are wondering just how many exams Ive taken in the five years since I started my journey. Well, my number right now is twenty. Honestly, I had lost track of just how many attempts I made until NASBA changed their site – imagine my surprise when I actually counted them down. By the time Im done, I will have no less than twenty-two exams under my belt.
To add insult to injury, my current employer (Im an accountant in the Non-Profit arena) gave me a timeline to finish the exams, and that timeline expires this month. Now that Ive gotten past the shock of losing my job, Ill know the definitive outcome soon, Im ready to conquer these last tests.
Ive used Becker and Wiley review courses, neither one with more success than the other, and I have also supplemented my studies with Jeffs NINJA Study Notes.
I look forward to sharing more about my experience with the exam as well as the remainder of my journey passing the CPA exam.
My Scorecard
AUD: 4x Lost credit Waiting on Score
BEC: 7x No Credit
FAR: 5x No Credit
REG: 3x Credit expires 5/31/12
Perserverance is truly an appropriate name for you. I admire your ability to hang in there and finish what you've started. You're an inspiration for me as I retake two exams next month. I'm sorry to hear about your job. That doesn't seem fair to let you go when you're working so hard to pass. Your positive thinking beyond that situation should show others how to deal with life's challenges. I wish you much success on these last tests.
I'm on attempt #24 in January...my last exam and it's been a killer of a section for me..BEC. It will be attempt #10 for BEC. I literally have to redo my whole study plan at this point. Good luck...we'll both get there... Laura (a.k.a. keeptrying)
24 times for a CPA exam? Wow! What the hell is wrong with the picture? I feel sorry for your trouble but I really don't quite understand it because I can't find a job passing the exam almost on the first try!
Someone here said 24 times for the CPA exam? You really want it that bad?
yeah 24 times...get over it....of those 24 times 5 of them are passing scores....one for FAR, one for Aud, and I've passed REG 3 times. Two of those times the credit expired. I've never failed REG. I feel sorry for you that you can pass the exam and can't find a job...I've held a job full time the entire time I've been testing and even have changed jobs during that times. Apparently I can't pass BEC but I sure as hell can get a job...
When I took the exam, I was working full time handling a one man show in accounting. And technically, I have a part time job right now that is accounting related. I am just frustrated that now that I can't have a full time job being a CPA. It is so overrated.
Oh and I actually forgot the part that I was changing jobs too prior to taking the exam. I started studying for it while I was at one job and took the whole 4 parts 4 days in a row 2 months into a new job. For the REG that I failed, it was a 74 and I came back in the following quarter with a 93. I do have 4 years of continuous full time employment. So as much as people have compassion for my current employment situation, I am returning to them with the same compassion about their CPA exam attempts. For one "you think you are so smart, why can't you have a job?" I am returning it with "you think you are so smart, why can't you pass a simple test?"
DC: I'm glad I can be an inspiration to someone. I remember when I found Another 71, and when I read how hard of a time some people were having it made me realize that it's not over until I say it's over. And I agree about my job, it doesn't seem fair given the fact that I'm putting in the amount of effort I have - but I have to believe there is a reason for everything! Laura: BEC is my nemesis too! So much punch behind what many believe is the "easiest" of the 4 parts! Much luck on BEC. Anonymous: I'm very sorry you have been challenged in finding a position, but in my experience accounting jobs are plentiful - even in the current state of the economy. Have you considered using a head hunter? I switched jobs mid-stream in my accounting experience and pretty much had my choice of positions. Or, perhaps you should consider a position somewhere other than where you are currently located? I'm glad you found the exam to be "simple" but its been more of my experience from other CPA's that most call is "Couldn't Pass Again" for a reason! Much luck in your job search.
Robyn, Don't let some of these people get you down. Most here consider you an inspiration for your perseverance and courage in pusuing this exam. It's not over until you give up and it is obvious you are not giving up. I applaud your efforts and hoping for the best for you. Wishing you the best. Lamr
Robyn, I feel your pain,but I also feel your inner strength to endure and persevere to the end of this CPA process. For anybody to criticize you should go back and read about President Lincoln and Thomas Edison. Now there were a couple of guys who knew how to endure and stay on course, despite many, many failures. You know, not everybody taking the CPA exam is a student fresh out of college with with few problems. Most of us have jobs, family, extended families and all the problems and distractions that can result. And I guess the truth is, not all of us are going to be a genius. But I personally admire people who hang in there and see the prize at the end and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. The end if coming, hang in there and win. Skyler
@Anonymous, the one man show. You won't find much sympathy here for your employment situation, or lack thereof. In case you haven't noticed, Another71 is about people currently taking the CPA exam. No one on here wants to read you putting down candidates who are struggling to pass, and we especially don't care how you passed the exam so easily and find being a CPA "overrated". Robyn and Laura are inspirational to many others taking this exam and although I have passed the exam, I still read these blogs and remember I was in their shoes once too. I appreciate their courage and honesty.