Sherri is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Hi All:
I finished the work week by tackling quite a few mini subjects for the upcoming and ominous FAR exam.
Ive checked off Government, Non Profit, Fixed Assets, Personal Financial Statements, PV Fundamentals, Segment Reporting, Foreign Currency Translation, Remeasurement, Interim Statements, Error Correction, Debt Restructuring and Bonds!
Whew say all of that three times fast! I think I have a brain cramp.
I was surprised at how long it took me to finish the 63 Bond problems in the Wiley online test bank. I finished with a score of 84 though, so the extra time was worth the effort.
Time is definitely my worst enemy on the exam. The four hour test block slips away in a blink of an eye for me. Hmmmmmm . I wonder How successful would I be if I petitioned the AICPA to extend the exam time for FAR to five hours?
While Im at it, I might as well ask them to throw in a free breakfast before the exam at Dennys too! Yes, I am an eternal optimist. I should probably expend my concentration efforts elsewhere though.
I like how the Wiley test bank allows me to keep a running total of my grades on the subjects that I have covered. The summary report shows how I did on each section and reminds me, at a glance, of the areas where I need improvement. My overall score is an 82 as of today.
My husband is off for a road trip to visit family for Thanksgiving week in Indiana, so I will have quite a bit of hermit time to accomplish my goals. If I can keep my work day job (as supposed to my study job) in check and caught up, I should be able to stay on track with my study schedule.
Im counting on the holiday quiet time to make the most gains. Ill likely be eating Taco Bell for Turkey Day, but thats fine by me. Im happy to have the holiday time to study away from work demands.
I hope that all of you are staying on task with this exam. It can be done! Stay positive. Stay upbeat. Stay focused. Pass!
Ill be thinking good thoughts for me and for the collective group viewing this post. Send that positive energy my way OK?
See you next week.