Feeling Better + Almost Ready for AUD

29 Jul 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

Last time I blogged, I mentioned I was sick. Well, it got much worse over the weekend, and I didn’t feel much better until yesterday. Because of that, instead of being done with Roger CPA Review course, I am still doing Aud-5.

Luckily I finished all of the videos, and I just have the questions left to do. I will have to try and do those while I’m up at the lake because now I’ve run out of time.

When I get home from the lake house on Sunday, I will start reviewing right away. I have decided to do all of the questions in Roger’s books and all of the TBS in his books. I did some of them already but then I skipped some of them because I felt short on time.

Then I will re-do all the MCQs I got wrong from the Wiley book. After that I will start doing a ton of MCQs from either the Wiley software or Gleim. I have both of them, so I’ll decide later which I want to use.

Last time I took AUD I got a 71, but I didn’t feel very confident about it, which is why I took a whole course. I really hope that I did enough to pass this time around. By the time I get my AUD score my REG score will have probably expired, so if I don’t pass AUD I will be left with no credits. I’m thinking of this test as starting over. Hopefully from here on out I can study productively and get scores that reflect that.

Study Hard!

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