Introducing: New Club 75 Blogger Ashley

21 Jan 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By Jeff

Ashley is a new weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since September 2010.

My CPA Exam journey began even before I had graduated college in May 2010. I had taken the advise of many professors and decided to start taking the exam as soon as possible. Let me tell you, going to graduate school for your MBA and studying for BEC at the same time – not fun.

I took BEC the weekend before my very last college finals (bad idea) and thought for sure I had failed the exam but to my surprise – I got my 77 in the mail! One small victory for me which I thought would mean the rest would be just as simple….WRONG!

My next adventure was FAR. After studying for 2 months I took the exam in July 2010 and realized this could go either way.


The 73 was the first of many disappointments that was awaiting me with this exam.

Next up was AUD, which is a subject I felt that I had a good grip on after my FAR failure. I was more prepared than I had ever been for a test and was going to go in and absolutely demolish the exam. I re-took FAR before hearing back from AUD and then I began the wait.

I was a little concerned that my retake would deliver the same result as before, but AUD was the least of my concerns…until scores started to arrive. I scored a 74 on AUD and an 83 for FAR.

FAR was a success, but AUD really hurt since it was my strongest subject and thought I had aced it.

In the meantime I sat for REG since I wanted to try them all at least once before the end of the year. My heart was no longer in the game and I halfway-studied and received a 54 when notices were mailed.

To summarize, I am halfway through the CPA Exam with BEC & FAR passed out of the way. Did I mention I was working 2 jobs after college while trying to juggle the studying, my friends, my family, my LIFE also? I knew it wouldn’t be easy but sure couldn’t have imagined it would be this hard!

If you are struggling, I am too. If you are worn out and tired of all this, I am too. If you think you can’t study another minute, YOU CAN!!!

So the studying for AUD has begun…again.


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car16015 14 years ago

I am in the same boat... 50% done. At least you passed the "big one" FAR. I sit for FAR on Monday (1-24). Good luck with your studies!

Ashley 14 years ago

Well i wish you the best of luck on FAR! I am very glad to have that one behind me :) Thank you so much!! I keep looking at the glass half full instead of half empty haha