Answer the following question and YOU WILL PASS the CPA exam

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  • #180339

    Although the point I am about to make is simple and not original by any means, I believe answering the question I am about to pose is often overlooked and essential to passing the CPA exam.

    Let me get right to the point. So when you graduate college, you receive/purchase study materials which consist of thousands of questions and hundreds of lecture hours. Usually the study materials you receive recommend that you study for about 6-10 weeks for each section and then take the exam. At this point you need to ask yourself the fundamental question to passing the exam:

    “Considering I have to know about 400 pages of material, how can I implement a study system where information learned on day one of a 6-10 week cycle is retained on the last day of a 6-10 week cycle?”’

    The problem with the CPA exam as opposed to every other exam you have ever taken is the volume. So when I asked myself this question, I came up with the following solution that helped me finish my final 3 parts in a 10 month period.

    I decided to make notecards for every chapter. I would go through the Becker lecture and make a notecard for every key point highlighted or emphasized. First, let me go over the cons of the notecard method. I spent more time writing notecards then actually studying. Yes, this seems ridiculous but it’s true. I made sure my notecards were properly written, exact and well understood. The reason I was so meticulous is because these notecards acted as my foundation for the exam. Now let me tell you my why this method works. Every day before I started learning NEW information I would go over an old chapter of notecards. This way my “review period” started from day one as opposed to leaving 3-5 days to review. It’s unreasonable to not look at information learned 2 weeks ago and expect to remember minute details required to pass the CPA exam. Coupled with this methodology, I was constantly doing multiple choice questions to reinforce the material.

    If you have failed repeatedly or are just starting, please consider the question I posed above. If you have a different solution to approaching it, best of luck to you (everyone learns differently). I just wanted to tell you what worked for me. One last thing – you can do this. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you differently. Just be persistent and work hard every day

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  • #522881

    I love it! I will definitely be doing this going forward! It makes total sense! I see myself reviewing the note cards right before I go to sleep every night! So, I'm not sure if I want to know the answer to this… but on average, how many note cards did you end up with per chapter? Just curious. Thanks!


    I love it! I will definitely be doing this going forward! It makes total sense! I see myself reviewing the note cards right before I go to sleep every night! So, I'm not sure if I want to know the answer to this… but on average, how many note cards did you end up with per chapter? Just curious. Thanks!


    Great question:

    You obviously don’t need to know the textbook verbatim. So as the process begins, the question is what is “important”? For me, “important” information had to meet one of the following criteria:

    1. Highlighted or underlined information

    2. Pass keys

    3. Acronyms

    4. Information constantly tested in the multiple choice answers – reconciling multiple choice concepts to what you plan on including in your notecards is a great technique

    So to answer your question – it really depends on the depth of the chapter and how you define important. Like i said, this method is extremely time consuming but in my mind, is very efficient.


    Great question:

    You obviously don’t need to know the textbook verbatim. So as the process begins, the question is what is “important”? For me, “important” information had to meet one of the following criteria:

    1. Highlighted or underlined information

    2. Pass keys

    3. Acronyms

    4. Information constantly tested in the multiple choice answers – reconciling multiple choice concepts to what you plan on including in your notecards is a great technique

    So to answer your question – it really depends on the depth of the chapter and how you define important. Like i said, this method is extremely time consuming but in my mind, is very efficient.


    This is good advice! I didn't use note cards but I have about 30 legal pads filled with explanations on questions I got wrong. The one thing in your post that struck me was “You can do this. Don't listen to anyone who tells you differently.” When I was finally finished I thanked everyone who believed in me and I thanked everyone who said I couldn't do it because they were the reason I never gave up!


    This is good advice! I didn't use note cards but I have about 30 legal pads filled with explanations on questions I got wrong. The one thing in your post that struck me was “You can do this. Don't listen to anyone who tells you differently.” When I was finally finished I thanked everyone who believed in me and I thanked everyone who said I couldn't do it because they were the reason I never gave up!





    Study Monk

    I use note cards as part of my study routine and they definitely help drill the ideas into your head. Just keep in mind that is takes me about 4 to 8 hrs to completely translate a Becker chapter to flashcards. I still haven't concluded whether or not this is the most efficient approach for me to pass these exams, though it is a good method for learning the material. I think I will do this again for REG, but someone working full-time might find it daunting.

    I spoke to an ancient wise man who sent me on a mushroom induced journey through an ancient forest to find the key to passing the CPA exam. A talking spider monkey told me to throw the last of my drinking water in the dirt to find what I was looking for. So I followed his instructions and the following message appeared in the soil:

    "Do 5000 multiple choice questions for each section"

    Study Monk

    I use note cards as part of my study routine and they definitely help drill the ideas into your head. Just keep in mind that is takes me about 4 to 8 hrs to completely translate a Becker chapter to flashcards. I still haven't concluded whether or not this is the most efficient approach for me to pass these exams, though it is a good method for learning the material. I think I will do this again for REG, but someone working full-time might find it daunting.

    I spoke to an ancient wise man who sent me on a mushroom induced journey through an ancient forest to find the key to passing the CPA exam. A talking spider monkey told me to throw the last of my drinking water in the dirt to find what I was looking for. So I followed his instructions and the following message appeared in the soil:

    "Do 5000 multiple choice questions for each section"


    That's why I type up all my notes and use already made flashcards (NINJA and Beckers). Writing takes up wayyyy too much time.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    That's why I type up all my notes and use already made flashcards (NINJA and Beckers). Writing takes up wayyyy too much time.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83

    CPA soon

    I never tried using note cards to study of the cpa exam, so I don't know whether or not they are more effective than pages of notes?

    What I usually do is print the Becker final review material, write all my notes on them. They have the bullets, I add the detail I need. I don't know if anyone uses this method.

    Do you guys think it will be better if I write note cards instead?

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..

    CPA soon

    I never tried using note cards to study of the cpa exam, so I don't know whether or not they are more effective than pages of notes?

    What I usually do is print the Becker final review material, write all my notes on them. They have the bullets, I add the detail I need. I don't know if anyone uses this method.

    Do you guys think it will be better if I write note cards instead?

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..


    @cpa soon I do the exact same thing. I also downloaded the Wiley flashcards and incorporated those to my Becker outline. Notecards drive me mad.

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016

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