BEC is hard!

  • This topic has 16 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1695885

    I haven’t been actively posting recently due primarily to the depression I felt after my BEC exam two weeks ago. That thing literally killed my confidence from the very first 3 MCQ’s. First testlet is horrendously hard, I couldn’t tell whether the second testlet went easier or harder. I have so many computational question, it took me a good 2:30 hours to finish MCQs so I have to rush through the SIM. Out of the four TBS, I probably have one that is doable (translation “easier” not easy), the rest is hard as hell. By the time I start WC my mind is literally frozen and add the fact that I only have 20 minutes left. I can’t for the life of me think of anything to write. When you hear of writer’s block – you imagine someone in front of a typewriter/computer and cannot think of the first sentence to write – that was me. I don’t know how I manage to write something, but I was only able to come up roughly two sentence each after the introductory sentence. I think I just restate the question and that’s it… no buzz words or whatever. I was like a zombie by then I can’t remember what I wrote nor can I remember the topics… really!

    Well, two weeks is more than enough to dwell. I have since move on to studying REG. Eek! For two reasons (1) I don’t see a point restudying for BEC until I know for sure I failed (always hope no matter what), and (2) It depresses me to look at the BEC book right now, it’s killing my drive to go on.

    There’s really no question to ask in this post. I just need to vent – sorry guys I have no one else who would understand!

    AUD - 91
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 84
    REG - 88
    ”Success at anything will always come down to this: focus & effort. And we control both...” ~ The Rock
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  • #1695892

    I feel ya! I've been there so many times. Even if it does come back that you didn't pass (plenty passed last window feeling this way) you took it early enough that you can still take REG this window. Not sure if that's your plan, but that's what I would do.

    But I agree that BEC is just terrible. The worst, in my opinion.

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 84
    FAR - 82
    REG - 78
    Ethics - 95
    Licensed in IL & MO

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    @tncpa2018 I feel your pain. It took me 3 attempts to pass BEC. 68, 74 (ouch!), 75 (barely; whew).

    There are so many computations and so many formulas to remember. It's also such a random assortment of topics in the study material, so it's even hard to study for it. I hope you can “close the books” on BEC soon. You'll get it! It's underrated for sure.

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 78
    REG - 77
    Finished.  Praise be to the Almighty!

    @tncpa2018 i just took BEC for the 3rd time today and i had the same experience as you did. Moreover i thought i did enough to pass it but failed with a 72.

    Im really praying for a 75 this time.

    Post edited per request from the AICPA


    I left the testing center feeling disgusted after taking FAR and I passed. I'm not going to say you probably passed but I can tell you that things often work out the way they do for a reason. We all deal with failure differently but don't let BEC kill your vibe. Worst case scenario is you take it again. All good. Stick with it. One day at a time.

    AUD - 75
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - 76
    REG - 79
    Will Norling

    The section is often touted as being the easiest (probably bc it has the highest pass rate out of all the sections) but I hated BEC. It was the only section I failed and BARELY passed it. Highly dislike ERM and cost accounting bc of BEC


    Been there. I finally passed BEC on the third try. You have seen the basic idea of the exam – and now you know the main areas where they test the hardest. On the third try, I bought the Becker Final Review and that seemed to really push me over into the passing zone. Even though I use Becker, I also bought the Wiley book JUST for a new perspective on all the IT stuff. IT was the only chapter I read over in the Wiley book. I think the Becker Final Review really helped me most. BEC ended up being my highest score so far.

    Now…just FAR, and I wanted to vomit after my first attempt in December. We are all right there with you! Failing sucks. You always want to be one of those people who says, “I passed…I still don't know how…but I did.” So far, I haven't had a sweet experience like that. Whenever I have left the testing center thinking, “there's just NO way”, I surely failed. I hope that you are one of those people with a sweet story of passing – even though you left feeling the opposite.

    I think you are good to move on to REG. If you don't pass BEC, just flip back to it after you take REG. That's exactly when I did – depending on how long you need to wait for scores.
    My sequence has been: REG, BEC, BEC, REG (Pass), BEC (Pass), Audit (Pass), FAR, FAR soon – again in Q1.

    AUD - 80
    BEC - 84
    FAR - 83
    REG - 75

    "Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." --Dale Carnegie


    just be like me. I failed like 5 times and chit and idgaf. I'm still here. lol. I'm a trooper. A tank. Gritty mofo. Take the blows. Learn from them. Adapt. Evolve. Keep marching towards a hail of bullets until you die.


    Thank you guys! These encouraging words is all I need to hear to feel somewhat better. I am committed to finish this journey whether it takes me six months or six years. This is one on those goals I wanted for a long time, but life events and other situations just don’t lined up. Now I seem to have a chance and time to finally accomplish that goal.

    That experience with BEC is just too unexpected. When I went to test for AUD I was expecting the worse and didn’t expect a good grade (I barely passed Auditing in College and I have no public accounting experience). BEC on the other hand covers most of my favorite subject aside from IT. Economics was one of my highest grades in undergrad (even though that was 3 decades ago, Law of Supply and Demand have not change, lol). I was also a cost accountant for 10+ years before moving on to my job now. Those variance questions should have come easy to me. But man, I just can’t make heads or tails of IT and COSO ERM stuffs and my exam is full of it.

    I move on to REG, planned to take it right by the end of Q1 window. Hopefully won’t feel like being stabbed from the back again. Like AUD, I don’t expect much with REG. Not my strong point. The only tax matter I was aware of is how much child tax credit I was getting 🙂

    Again, thanks for all the encouraging words. I knew I came to the right place to vent.

    AUD - 91
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 84
    REG - 88
    ”Success at anything will always come down to this: focus & effort. And we control both...” ~ The Rock

    Wow! I passed BEC even with the experience I described above. I'm so happy I don't have to retake it.

    AUD - 91
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 84
    REG - 88
    ”Success at anything will always come down to this: focus & effort. And we control both...” ~ The Rock

    Tncpa2018 congrats on passing!! You have inspired me to get out of this hole I have been in since I took BEC yesterday. I put in a good 120 hous of study time over the past 5 weeks and it wouldn't have matter if I put anymore in. Those SIMS were ridiculous! I lost so much time on them and my head was just spinning with the information overload. I was literally guessing on some of them because I couldn't even sort through the information to know what to do. I didn't have alot of time left on the WC but I did have 15 minutes for each one so I wrote a good amount and was familiar with the topics. My first MCQ testlet was really hard, I tagged about 10 and I usually only tag about 5, some of them just being random IT questions. My second testlet was so easy though, I probably only tagged about 2 which starting making my nerves unravel before I went into those horrendous simulations. This is my last section to pass….FAR expires 7/31 so I will have one maybe two more chances. It's just so upsetting when you put in the time and feel ready. Were you completely shocked at the 82? I'm praying I'm in the same boat!

    AUD - 83
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - 75
    REG - 78



    @tncpa2018 I felt the exact same way – congrats on passing! I was seconds away from getting up in the middle of the exam and walking out I was so frustrated because I studied very hard for the exam and was getting question after question on material I'd never seen before on MCQ's. By the time I got to the SIMS I had no energy left and was overwhelmed because I didn't practice any SIMS in my study. By the time WC came around I had almost nothing left and almost got up and walked out after writing my intro for each prompt. Then I had to wait 45 days to find out if I passed (it was my last exam) and wanted to die every time my peers heard I took BEC and would say “oh you're fine that one was easy.”

    FAR - 82

    BEC - 74, 82

    AUD - 78

    REG - 80


    @tncpa2018 what material did you use to study for bec? also you said you studied mostly IT and COSO? I was wanting to sit for BEC before Q1 ends, but I don't think I'll have enough time now as I am working so much for busy season and the Q is almost over in a couple weeks. but I am curious to know your study process?






    Took BEC on Friday and it was hard!first testlet was purely computational and on the topics that everyone hates. SIMS were actually not horrible except one was very confusing. WC were the worse though…like I didn't know what to write. Not feeling a pass on this one but we will see

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 76
    FAR - 79
    REG - 84



    FAR 8/20/15 - Passed 77
    AUD 10/10/15 -


    I'm studying for BEC now, using Becker. I want to hit COSO and IT hard. What are some other important topics to look after?


    I had two SIMs on BEC that were on variance analysis. I skipped them both because I didn't have time to study that chapter (my NTS was expiring). The WC's and MCQ weren't bad though and the MCQ had a handful of FAR questions. The WC's were so easy that I did each one in 10 min and my score report said “Stronger”. However, my weak SIMs kept me from passing.
    Not sure when or if I will take BEC again though. It'll depend on if I pass FAR and/or REG. If I can get through those, I'll re-take AUD and BEC.

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