Becker BEC Mock Exams comparable to actual exam?

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  • #1562046


    I’m scheduled to sit for BEC this Wednesday (5/31). I’ve completed 90% of the study material on Becker and felt confident, but haven’t been able to score over a 60% the Mock Exam.

    I scored high on the SIMS and conceptual questions, but struggled with many of the calculations, which made up a majority of the MCQs.

    Has anybody done poorly on the Becker Mock Exams, but still passed?

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  • #1562061

    Miles – the issue here is that it's a whole new exam…. I also did poorly on the Becker exams. I did great on the MCQs, 75% on first exam and 80% on second, but bombed the sims. I found them so overwhelming and they took forever to calculate.

    On the previous exams if you scored between 67-70% on the Becker practice test you would usually pass.

    Just review what sections you struggle with. I'm going to review the sims and call it a day. Hopefully they won't be as math intensive on the actual exam.

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    I wouldn't worry about that. However, being shaky on the calculations is somewhat worrisome… I took this exam before the change, and there was a lot of ‘mathematical' computations involved. And now, with the added sims, I would assume you will need to be very familiar with these calculations.

    But, for some context, I scored a 75 on the first BEC practice final, and came out of the exam with an 87. They say about 10-14 points are added to your Becker to approximate the actual exam score. Also, with the new exam, the scoring will be very different as many people will probably to poorly, and they'll need to move that average up to achieve previous pass rates.

    Good luck!!

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