Dealing with wrist pain

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  • #170849

    I have two weeks until my exam and I started to get really bad wrist pain on my main hand. I don’t really use the computer that often, that is, until I started studying for the exam. Never had this problem until now.

    Anyone else dealing with wrist pain and have any tips for temporary relief? I started doing some wrist exercises and now I’m using the mouse with my left hand, but the pain in my other hand is really distracting me.

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  • #344206
    mena je twa

    Use some medical marijuana, if you can get it…It will feel like you have a brand new wrist…..

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    I've had wrist pain off and on for years. A few things you can do:

    Use an ergonomic wrist rest thingy at the computer.

    When at the computer try to be in a “neutral” position, I found that I tend to reach really far forward or too far left or right.

    Using a wrist brace when I'm working drives me crazy, but it can help to use it throughout the day (so you don't torque it when you're doing housework or whatever.)

    Ice it and then rest it.

    Advil can help to lessen the inflammation so it can heal.

    How are you sleeping? I found that sometimes I'm bending my elbow and wrist in weird ways in my sleep.


    I do find that I'm always contorting my body when I sleep. I like to sleep on my side a lot with my arm underneath my head and pillow. I've been trying to correct that and I sleep mummy/vampire style now. But maybe, I switch positions when I don't realize it.


    This thread has SO much potential to head down the perverbial gutter quickly.

    Then it might actually get interesting,…


    I used to have wrist pain all the time too.

    Then I found myself a girlfriend.

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂


    This is a serious problem. I get it, I have carpal. When I do a lot of writing (such as taking notes on FAR – ugh!) it flares up. Bluegirl's suggestions are pretty much what I would say – advil, wrist brace, ergonomics, etc. A wider pen helps me too, writing with narrow pens tends to make it worse. If you have decent health insurance you could see a doctor about it too. Oh also muscle rub like aspercreme can help too.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    Fish oil will help with the inflammation, and I also got a bean bag to put under my wrist by my mouse to support my wrist in the correct position. I also sped up how fast my pointer moves when I move the mouse, to limit how far my wrist has to move to move my mouse. It helped me tremendously.

    AUD - Jan 9,13 Pass
    REG - Aug 30,13 Pass
    BEC - Oct 26,13 Pass
    FAR - Dec 4,13 Pass

    Licensed CPA in the state of Oregon


    I have the same problem with my right wrist even though i am left handed. but i use the computer mostly with my right hand. I sleep on my hands under my head and i put my face in my hands a lots. my doctor told me to use my hand less resting on it and gave me pain killers. but said it it gets really bad i may need surgery on my hand. The other advises u got pretty much sums up what you can do for short term. Long term maybe get it exrayed see if it

    is seroius. U are not alone i assure you.

    AUD - 58, 62, 56, OCT 2015
    BEC - August 22,2015
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD




    @ dualmatrix – I just started having this problem a little over a month ago while studying for FAR. Below is my recipe after a great deal of trial and error. I practically have little to no wrist pain at all now (knock on wood). All of the products that I mention can be found on Amazon.

    1. Penetrex – rub in before bed and when you wake up for work in the morning

    2. PAIR of Thermoskin Carpal Tunnel Braces with Dorsal Stay, Black , Left & Right – wear then while you sleep at night and at work if you are typing a lot, if not then not necessary during the day

    3. Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball – for work during the day, I use a regular mouse with the wrist guard at night while studying, good to switch up the types of mouses that you use

    4. Lift weights – this helps strengthen the forearm muscles and take the pressure off the nerves


    For those feeling pain in their wrists, are you feeling it on the top or bottom of your wrist? The tendon(or muscle?) above my wrist is causing me pain. I started using my little brother's wrist brace and it doesn't hurt when I use the mouse at least.


    @dualmatrix my wrist pain tends to start on the top of my hand and wrist. When it gets bad my pinky will hurt and eventually it travels all the way to the elbow. You'd be surprised how tension can travel, when I have tension in my shoulder, my wrist and hands get worse.

    @argonaut I agree with the mouse thing too. I have a mouse that has weights in it that you can adjust to what works for you. Its a gaming mouse Logitech G5.

    My solution is to never let is get out of control. For me, once it flares up it can be hard to fix. Do your best to rest it when you're not at the computer. I used to be at the computer almost all my waking hours with grad school and work. My wrist was very vulnerable and I injured it once picking up a jug of milk. (that's why wearing a brace all the time can be important.) When I went to the doctor they sent me to a sports medicine place that gave me ice and anti-inflammatories (prescription Advil).

    Also, I don't know what your budget is, but I try to schedule a massage once a month, especially during tax season. It keeps my shoulder tension minimized so it does not travel down my arm. Find someone who knows how to handle injuries or you might end up worse off. My university had discounted massage services for students as part of the sports medicine program. Yoga can help too as long as you're avoiding using your wrist.

    Sorry, so many words, but I have dealt with this for years. Don't let it get really bad.


    Yes, the top for me too. Mine doesn't generally travel up to the elbow like Bluegirl described but it does travel down my hand to my fingers. Glad you're finding some relief with the brace.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!

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