Drink of Choice for Exams

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  • #1547122

    We all do it so I might as well start a post about it…what are your drinks of choice for studying for the exam? For me…

    BEC- Vodka (BEC sucked)
    REG- Occasional beer
    FAR- Whiskey (currently studying)
    Aud- Wine

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  • #1547124

    I try to go lite on water so I don't have to pee while sitting there for 4 hours.

    BEC Passed
    REG Passed
    AUD August results
    FAR August results

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    Moonshine made in the Bath Tub to go with the Beard and Goatee along the stench of Mickey D's and not showering for over a week.

    “Can I be anymore Redneck ?!”

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 84
    REG - 87
    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - In Progress
    Phase III : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase IV : Form the new Charlie's Angels with Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, & Gal Gadot
    Phase V : TBD

    BEC : 78
    REG : 87
    FAR : 84
    AUD : 90

    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - Initiated
    Phase III : Bring back 8-Tracks
    Phase IV : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase V : TBA


    Oh man, I wish I could drink responsibly. But, I had to learn I couldn't the hard way. I drink plenty of Coffee, Cocal Cola, Water, and 5 Hour Energy Drinks.

    If I could drink responsibly:

    BEC: Corona with Lime

    FAR: Blue Moon with Orange slice and occasional shot of Patron.

    AUD: Unlimited Yaeger Bombs

    REG: Dont know yet, but hopefully a chill beer such as Coors Light. However, I will probably need some Southern Comfort to finish this last exam!


    I've become a teetotaler for studying. I may have a bit o'wine on a thursday night session. Alcohol just does nothing for me for concentration or long term memory.

    When I get my license, it will probably be a bootle of 18 or 24 year old Glenmorangie and possibly a Rolex.

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 77
    REG - 81
    REG - 1. Becker only - fail (forgot to study depr - oops); 2. Becker only - Pass
    FAR - 1. Becker only - fail; 2. added Ninja Notes and MCQ - Pass
    AUD - 1. Becker videos; Ninja Notes, Audio, MCQ, Becker Notes - Pass
    BEC - 1. Ninja Notes, Audio, MCQ, Becker Notes - Pass

    I drank about 12 Natural Lights the night before all my tests. Yes, I'm high class.

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 79
    FAR - 86
    REG - 81
    Licensed CPA - Tennessee

    Finished Exams in December 2016

    REG - 81

    AUD - 74, 72, 90

    BEC - 79

    FAR - 86


    ^Lmao! Next time try Hamm's beer. Natural Light is a premium beer compared with Hamm's!


    I'd be sloshed after 12 ounces of anything so for me it's water and coffee or Pepsi.

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